Name of player: Afolord

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65794996

Time in GMT: 12:12pm-12:38Pm

Server: V33X

Summary: This guy tries to break every rule possible on v33x.
Propblock, Fearrp, Random warrant, Extremist names, Racism etc.. The list keeps going. (Omawolle will post some screens and possible a video too)

[Image: 5bgo2.jpg]
[Image: 5bgp8.jpg]

His breaking fearrp, insulting and doubledooring

[Image: 5bhOT.jpg]
This is not me, i was hacked.
Banrequest approved.

Accused player was found guilty of racism, insulting IC name, heavy fearRP breakage, insulting in OOC and general minging. If any players have any more evidence against the accused player then please send it to me as a private message.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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