Ban request
Player name:Ûnnamed

SteamID (if possible):STEAM_0:0:23121614

Time in GMT:Around 03:00 GMT+2

Summary:Well basicly they(Rebels and some other guys) were shooting who ever entered to even close to UM.
And they had HUGE doomfort and and un-rpish base
and they hid their Keypads.
They shot at least Me,Privat Toast and Buddhist stew
I hope they are posting some pictures too

[Image: E72DBFEA7C23DE5B1371C9487877F2E5DA369DF5]
[Image: 879B8FF643920BC6053ECE8CE23BD3166886FAE7]
Didn't get any pics, but they took president hostage, refused any kind of negotiation, had that base, and shot at whoever came close to UM.
The keypad was next to the door in the containment barrier of the left but basicly they where building in public.

P.D:They where trading and they say that they dont must get close to the baso or they will shoot so was ur fault if they killed u
1) They asked us if that base was okay and we didn't object - so that's not gonna get them banned.
2) I don't see any keypads on those pics, but that generally leads to admins removing the door, not a ban.
3) These two pictures don't prove any RDM'ing.

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