Mikemad95 BR
Name of player: Mikemad 95

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47504256

Time in GMT: 18:26 GMT+1

Server: V2D

Summary: Homophobic language and insulting.

Evidence: Right here ! Smile
agreed I found this insulting
Agreed, I was insulted the most, being called a scruff, a smackhead, everything that tries to insult my family.
Some other evidence from console:

(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] Legend™: Lol
(OOC) MikeMad95: hahaah you cant talk your the biggest scruff around

(OOC) MikeMad95: legend no point you talking since you a smackhead and your da

(OOC) MikeMad95: legend face the fact you crack head

For more, check the logs by yourself.
i disagree with this reason why was last week legend said very harsh things things to me but i would apologise for my rudeness but the people who are trying to get me banned did also skit were am from calling me a tramp because am from liverpool am not going to argue just putting things right if i do get banned i have said am sorry so do what you thinks best . m.cottrell

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