Pancaketoast Failing
Player name: Pancaketoast

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:1:31895838

Time in GMT+1: 20:00 i think

Summary: He pointed a gun on Theblackshadowofgod and me so we warrent him to stop and he didnt stop so we killed him becouse there was no admin on... Then we where coming in his home and he there we founded a nice propblock! And he breaks nlr... Btw he jumped in the fire when we putted the door on fire..
AKA: Failing with gun, Breaking nlr, jumping in fire to escape

Evidence: No evidence from nlr.
Yep, I was there too.

Here is the evicende specified. So the admins don't need to look through the whole file list.

He was doing some mayor propblock with the door, no keypad(s) etc.

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