BR-on Dogysmash
Player name:dogysmash,and
Steam id:STEAM_0:1:59563366(dogy), (TuftyGoblin)
TimeING:5 min after this post


Sumarry well i spawn as a corleone and i see dogy killing a teamate.then after i finish the BR on dogy i see this.....

(after BR on dogy)
There was 2 bodies i couldnt get the pic in time fro the second body but the a rebel came in the corleones and they asked him was was he there and as the rebel explained they shot him...
I can Explain... I didn't kill the other Corleone he was dead I was knifing a dead body...not against the rules... And the rebel's friend hit a car which kill two of the corleones so Me and the others killed him then the rebels said he would kill us and hit us so we killed him. Therefor I have done nothing wrong.
No! I was their it was a random raid, also the dead person on the last picture prop killed everyone, i have video evidence and i will be posting a BR on all the cops that FailRPed etc. And the person he was knifing was already dead from the prop pusher. The rebel was also killing our team with the gun dealer.
I am the dead guy in the third picture and I can confirm that they killed me for no reason.

I was on my way out of there and all of the sudden they shot me to death, I wasn't even raiding.
there u have it

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