Ban Request - On "Clowers014"
Name of player: Clowers014

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60151968

Time in GMT: 30 min before this post.

Server: v33x

Summary: He trying to kill one of his team members.

Evidence: =
Oh my fucking god bull shi! Like how you fucking kill me then put this shit here!
Haha what?

Are you seriously.. I don't think you can lie about me..

Admins can check the logs.. And they will never find any result about me killing you...
I was a peaceful fisher this morning, and then you come and try to kill one of your team members.
Tell the truth and learn the rules next time dude. Wink
Ban request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient. Accused player, Clowers014 (STEAM_0:0:60151968), was found violating rules regarding team killing.
Suspension will be applied for 1 week.

[FL] Aviator
Server Administrative Team

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