Photoshop CS5
Hey Techies

I have just gotten Adobe Photoshop CS5 Deluxe from a friend of mine and have absolutely no idea how to use it. Is it like GIMP? I know GIMP like the back of my hand as I took an entire class in it and that is where I made my fail signature. I realize that Photoshop is capable of alot Sexier looking things and want to know if people have any tips, pointers, etc.
Youtube Toturials Wink That's how i learned it Smile
I leaned by myself but it took me ages to know everything and I leaned a bit from my art teacher for my art exam.

Its alot of fun when you mess around with the 3D effects.
Im not just perfect, Im WELSH.[Image: mca.png]
Cool Smile Thanks
-Signature removed-

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