Ban Request on The Guy (Nor)
Player name: The Guy (NOR)

SteamID (if possible):STEAM_0:0:37657639

Time in GMT:16:20

Summary:After me and other rebel were coming out of the nexus with elevator after the raid. Cop came, killed the other rebel, but i killed him also. When i was going out of the nexus, i was near the cop spawn. Then he respawned and knocked me down, got arrest warrant and kept chasing me when i was cuffed. After small chase he started to shoot me and i died. That's a simple NLR Failure.

Evidence: For now, i dont got any. I will try to get some.
He has FailRP'd before, but without evidence there we won't ban him.
Damm... There is no way now, but what if i would get evidence about his other failRP? Would he get banned?
(06-12-2011, 05:13 PM)Drako Wrote: Damm... There is no way now, but what if i would get evidence about his other failRP? Would he get banned?

Yes but as long as it hasn't been used before against him.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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