BR - Mr Woman, Cundall & PreztommyJ
Name of player:mr woman | cundall | PreztommyJ

SteamID:mr woman - STEAM_0:1:40048846 | cundall - STEAM_0:1:41164217 | PreztommyJ - STEAM_0:1:53053239

Time in GMT:10:45



mr woman :-
[Image: A4630B426BA17174B457781A11BD3B9CC211688D]

[Image: BB15984EE5D5550AA0B22466B3B95848ECB97870]

[Image: 60FC0BBD8956110E3C7609242BA8E8C85DBE460B]

[Image: 64A58ECCEC3442A6B247CFE0BDF0681BA55F2E78]

[Image: 4E1A849B0A5F5679B16C8EBA909C80C08E77E68E]

[Image: 12D622E447B4DA2F91EBCDE112D3910342537014]

[Image: 127FE837AB8E6829BA0CCB1CC93DA7CED71E8CD1]
He went cop so that he could taze people and then prop kill them.

[Image: 635F2200D154EE8DCAE4989532B15A3851E799A8]

[Image: C1BC4337AA74570BE57B45308EB8E5B7DA2E5D54]
Prop flinging cars which killed several people on several occasions.

[Image: 14975AF253527AC41FA09A9600D93AA410D77AE6]

I had to leave shortly after, so i dont know what happend after, If they continued or not.

Plz admin ban this guy he completely annihilated my million dollar car!! Sad
The damage repair cost me over 9000!!!

Let me add some evidence for you - Cundall >
Approved mr woman | cundall | PreztommyJ
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub

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