Ban request on Paven
Player name: Paven, at least ingame

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23781680

Time: Approx 15:30 GMT

Summary: He heads to villa 3, builds what is pretty much a doomfort, and sits up there contrawhoring and firing a rifle at anyone who is near the house, even if they are just going past to the lake. He regularly keypad abuses, fading the door to shoot and then fading it back in so that he can't be hit. He has done this several times over the last few days, and twice in the space of half an hour today. There were several witnesses at the time, who if they wish can post more evidence.

Evidence: Screenies of the doomfort
Just to add, i was there going to the lake, and got shot for no reason. so the police came.
I saw this too with toby but....

Isnt this guy Perma banned?

Paven STEAM_0:0:23781680 Attitude issues, FailRP, promoting other communities Never Console

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