|F.4.L|Monkey D.Luffy
Name of player: |F.4.L|Monkey D.Luffy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25621180

Time in GMT: 21:25 GMT+2

Server: v2d

Summary: Jumping on injured people x2.

I was just exiting the city (as a policeofficer) when I see this gundealer jumping on two persons who got ran over. I tell him to not jumping on them and he stops. As I drive away, he continues his stomping with no care in the world.

[Image: dgV5tgX.jpg]
[Image: P05k95D.jpg]
[Image: gVeRKEz.jpg]
I call this picture "The Stomping Fatman"
[Image: UEW6evk.jpg]
[Image: qoilljS.jpg]
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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