Somewhat Back

I'm back. Kind of. I'll be skulking around, I was on the server like.. I dunno 2 days ago and I bought a mustang. YEAH.

Anyway. College has bored me to tears so i'm back, only 6 weeks left of my course and then i've got.. Time off. Can't remember how long.

I'm not sure how many people will remember me, I was The Lucky One on the server. Some might remember me for being awesome. Or british. Or for being a Richard. Or for when I exploded through a wall.

Well welcome back Cheese
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

Cheers lad!
Welcome back Cheese
I remember you, only cos you're British as well. :p
Damn right! Good to be back. Well, almost. I can't quite get back on the server. :(
I think I don't know you... so hi!
I don't have a FL signature...
But look! I have BACON!

[Image: bacon.png]
My good friend, 53rd xD

How i have waited for this moment, for you to come back.

Now its time for some real fun.
Heh heh. All the interruptions (server dying, GMod getting violated by the updated Source Engine) cannot stop my return Wink

Well they can, but hopefully they won't!

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