Unban Request - B3astR3l3as3d
Your name: B3astR3l3as3d

Your ban ID: 26777

Banned by: Termin

Reason: Prop Pushing

Involved: No One Else

Why we should unban you: Ok so there was a misunderstanding, I was in my police car when i was backing up to a wall then my car glitched out, Msy back wheels got stuck in the wall then i started to take a prop and push the car out of the wall it started to move but it was just sliding along the wall it wouldnt move away from the wall. then i was banned, I think i should be unbanned because all i was trying to do was fix my car.
From my view it looked like you were pushing it all the way up the hill, if your car gets glitched in a wall send an admin an @ request to remove it.


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