What server did you play on before FL?
I played on Revolt Gaming, Semi-Serious Applejack server. When the server started to die, I went to game tracker to find FL as second on the list. So I came.
I played on the Gangwars RP servers. I enjoy them more than FL but they're two different types of game mode.
Oh God, the list.
I started on Sammyservers dark rp (don't judge, it was my first ever server), then moved to good ol' Vent Mob(applejack), ended up on Exiled servers after that(mainly played the serious perp server and attempted roleplay, usually with success). When Exiled closed shop, I drifted for a while, not staying anywhere. I eventually ended up here with gmod 13.
Please refrain from naming communities, just go for the gamemode.

Nothing, Fearless was the first server I ever played on.
i didn't play anything before FL exept for the ocasional random DarkRP server.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

I played on a WW2 Darkrp server before I went on FL.
Can we name the community if the RP server they ran is long LONG dead and that the community name was also in the gamemode name?
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
Why can't we name communities? It's not like the players are gonna leave FL:RP just to check out the server or you guys are gonna get sued or something.

I played a lot on a zombie survival 'rp' server.

Also the occasional minging on DarkRP which I still do sometimes :3

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