Ban request for user: Snake10180
Name of player: Snake10198

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34429206

Time in GMT: GMT 0

Server: Rp_EvoCity_v33x

Summary: Well, I was on the top floor of the nexus along with another person and we were clearly no harm to the president but then we got handcuffed and tazed which I understand but then Snake10198 went and shot me and the other player I was with on the top floor. It may be a little hard to see in the video but snakes gun is the only one that flashed.

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding FailRp, RDM.
Suspension will be applied for 2 days .

[FL] Jamie
Server Administrative Team

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