The Youtube video thread.
The YouTube Vids Thread

Instead of having many topics about YouTube videos I have chosen to try to unite all the YouTube videos under one banner. A banner of videos, a banner of videos that makes you stupid.
- Respect your fellow members, exept for gystez. (The first part is true the last one is a joke.)
- Max 2 vids at the time
- No rap or Justin Bieber.
I think I start since I post this thread.
Paven please tell me why you are acting like a moderator ......
Easy, I want to have some more thinking on the forum, and less spamming. Instead of having several thousands threads about one good video I see no wrong having it united under one topic.

And I am also working on a mastermind plan, maybe you will see it later.
Kenny stfu and let paven do his *job*. Cheese

All credit to barrel who found this epic song. Better than the real song, but don't need much song skillz to beat that.
Lol i have seen this song so many times loads of year 7s in my school always watch it in the computer room .

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