Unblacklist request
Name: Wonwalden

Time/Date: 20:00 CET 14/1-13

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24608524

Blacklisted Job/Tool: Physgun / Tools / Props.

Admin who blacklisted you: Holdem

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I got blacklisted trying to defend myself from a cop who tried to break into my base whilst breaking NLR. I didn't want to lose my weapon/kevlar other items I had equipped for nothing. He had no intention of roleplaying, I can't remember his name but he didn't play accordingly to fearRP or anything. So I figured, let's just shoot some at this guy to make him go away. Opened my fadable door with my numpad and BOOM - Holdem only saw what I did wrong.
This cop had around 4-5 hours tops, me and my friend tried to tell him that he broke NLR and several of rules but he didn't care, so we shot him.

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