Player name: steam=Maxclabus, his ingame name=steve martin

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:0:22904823

Time in GMT: 9:00 to 10:40 (i left then)

Summary: so i take thi guy hostage and i have a gun pointed at him. he says he wont drop 2k. He starts saying let me go or i will leave this server forever and just wont obey me and get in the prison altho i had a gun pointed at him. Then he just leaves and i am relaxed and joyful that he left... then he reconnects within 1 sec of saying that....).

later on im driving to bp and he jumps out in the middle of the road and random molatoves me and ends up prop pushing me car. when ever i have him about to be arrested or have him hostage he just changed his job to avoid it. he also prop blocked his shop

All of this is in the pics down there.

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I like money Skeptical....
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Enough evidence.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]

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