Ban Request
There were 2 guys, named: Krowa and cebulka113 who broke lots of rules and also used a bug.
I was standing in my room with my contra and weed as a rebel, suddenly these 2 guys ( both cops ) appeared from the wall, they passed through while holding a barrel. So they were both in my room, he started gathering my weed and i said " stop right now " and he shot me. Of course i didn't obey the nrl and i went back there, they were still there and i killed 1, he broke nlr and came again, and killed me with his injured mate who was previously escaped. They killed me 3 times getting 2 ak and 1 m4 from me and also they got all my weed and destroyed all my contras with their money. unlucky i don't have screenshots nor video, but please trust me that this is not invented.
cebulka113 Did that to me today aswell and ruined my RP with the ss completely
i agree to Link he/she did it to me too.
Use Template, 24/hrs.

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