random tazing, random killing and Propkilling
Name of Players:
- Das Hatoolen
- maknika
sorry, i didnt got any steam id's...

Time in GMT: around 01:15

Server: v33x

summary: when soulripper leaves the server after he comes on cause everybody is minging around, everybody starts rdming and propkilling again, i only got these guys at fraps...

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player Das Hatoolen, (STEAM_0:1:38031440) was found violating rules regarding prop usage and tazer usage.
Suspension will be applied for 1 week.

Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player maknika, (STEAM_0:1:40273576) was found violating rules regarding tazer usage.
Suspension will be applied for 2 days.

[FL] Termin
Server Administrative Team

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