Unblacklist Request GunDealer
Name : CaveSquirrel
Blacklisted in = GunDealer
Admin who blacklisted you: I think it was Evo

Reason why unblacklist:

A Admin askes me whether i have a shop. I answered i didn't have one.
Because of that i got blacklisted.. without a time to explain...

I didnt have a shop because i was a "driving" ( dont know the word) Gun Dealer. I brought the Weapons, Ammo and other Things to my Customers.

So i ask : Can i be unblacklisted of GunDealer please?
If I get 5 complaints that the 2 gundealers around aren't selling guns and I TP to you and none of you has a store.
You guys get blacklisted, I'm sick of gundealers who don't have a store, who don't advert etc.
Blacklist stays.
-Signature removed-
But, if somebody wants to buy guns or ammo, they can PM me. And nobody was sending a pm to me...

(And i was making adverts)

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