[DENIED] Unban Request!
Big Grin 
Hi, two days ago i got banned for the server very unexpectedly and i do not know why.
a friend told me it said i was banned for 1000 hours which is approx 16 hours and 2 days later i am still banned?

at the time i got banned i was retrieving my car, i was police and i had just died a few minutes before whilst being held at gun point by a calone and rebel so that they could take my car, so they got my car and killed me.

when i respawned i went walking around the map and happened to see my car - a calone and rebel riving a stolen car so i tried to stop them and as i as typing i got banned???
could you tell me why i am banned and why i have not been unbanned yet?

Alex Cunliffe
Unban Request denied.

Reason: Not using template, banlenght under 24h, double post?
Dare to think!

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