Alot of minges
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?) {9 Lives} Hectik (STEAM_0:1:25970590), Materia (STEAM_0:0:43539323), VL. Absinthe^ (STEAM_0:0:27425627), Kero (STEAM_0:1:11296523) Rambox (STEAM_0:1:49794230)

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?) About 40 minutes ago (13.35 swedish time)

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?) v2d

Summary: (What happened?) I just walked up to a dead taxi driver and a tazed man. People jumped on the tazed body and started to hunt the cop, Kero took out a crowbar and start hitting a cop and another started shooting (think this was FL. Absinthe^, not sure though). After a while Rambox killed the cop and then it all became a random raid. I told everyone that I was frapsing.

Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get) Didnt get everyone doing stuff though but I believe the rebel was throwing a molotov.

I kinda feel like a minge police but someones gotta do the dirty work. Tounge
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
every day its the same in this server ...
I saw a lot of people and didn't know what was going on, so I followed them and that cop shot at me without a reason. That's why I killed him.
The cop tazed a guy for no reason so everyone followed him until someone took a crowbar out and hit the cop a few times and then madness brokeout.

Side note: The guy lying on the middle of the street on which i jumped on was already dead.
We spoke today on the server so i think its clear Humla Wink
Yeah we talked about it and I didnt know that the tazed person was dead when Absinthe jumped on him. But now I do, and you admins too so I revoke (if you can do that lol?) the ban request on him but the others are still minges.
Request reviewed and approved.

[FL] Killjoy
Server Administrative Team
Supervising Administrator

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