This isn't True !
Hello Admin,

Your name: Tiwer

Your ban ID: 13348

Banned by: StillAlive

Server: v33x

Involved: kim wild , Sidney and a rebel ,Don't know his name

Why we should unban you:

This story isn't true.I was in my house.Building a protected place.So ''kim wild'' and a friend (rebels) rdm'd me.So i spawn by corleone place.They spawnkilled me like 7 times.So my friend , going to propkill them.I just run away to get safe! I swear! I just run again to my place.But they spawnkilled me again.And they blocked the door.So we run out.I have entered my place and my friend killed them with props ! I swear !!!
Please Admin,
Believe me !
It's really true !

Kind regards,
I must admit that your name doesn't pop up on the prop in the video.

Alright this one is on me, I apoligize for banning you for something you may/may not have done.
Evidence seems not to reveal you as the propslammer.

Unban request arroved. Once again I am sorry.

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