Banned without reason
Your name: Mr.Tek

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34241228

Banning Admin: SJ

Ban Length: 24 Hour

Reason for the ban: Maybe he thought i was the one prop blocking?

Why we should unban you: Well i didnt do anything, just protecting the president from a raid and then sj comes up and sees a propblock for a sort of and then i get banned when it wasnt even my prop >.<
and got banned without any warning / reason??
Evidence ?
No ? get some.
I banned you for a day for breaking NLR after I warned you.

You were a cop - and the rebels killed you - and you ran STRAIGHT back at them to try and arrest them. That's not good RP - nor is it fair on the rebels.

With respect to the prop block - I realise that wasn't yours. I never said it was? I noclipped to top of nexus to check it out because people complained and you shouted "ADMIN ABUSE OMG" etc. But that's not why you were banned.

You were banned for NLR break. And its less than a day anyway, its 16 hours - so thread is automatically denied.


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