Multiple Ban Request
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?)
Estyle .Fluffo The Medic {TWN}
tB.YCN Sockhead /New Sens\

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)
Zynk - STEAM_0:1:9903236
[MG]TheSuperTomato - STEAM_0:0:43293333
Estyle .Fluffo The Medic {TWN} - STEAM_0:0:37443615
tB.YCN Sockhead /New Sens\ - STEAM_0:0:35397891

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?)
Roughly between 02:15am and 02:30am GMT

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)

Summary: (What happened?)
There are a lot of screenshots for this:
- Zynk participating in prop pushing president (Fluffo) who was sat in a chair onto the MTL Office roof.
- Fluffo and Sockhead on top of the MTL Office Roof, Sockhead prop surfed up. Fluffo claims sockhead was getting him down but fluffo could have done that himself and doesn't explain why sockhead was up there in the first place
- TheSuperTomato was participating in Prop Pushing and PropRDM when I joined the server who killed myself and Toastman in the server at the time.

Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)
I have tried to gather as much as possible:


I'll also include this to show the president on the roof in the Scoreboard, and the police officer on top. Couldnt get a screenshot with his name but everyone including I know it was him


I also have video evidence that I'll upload to YouTube today and get a link posted on here.
Ban request approved.

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