Ban request Marecare
Name of player: (Marecare)

SteamID: (STEAM_0:1:47280906)

Time in GMT: (I dont know excatly around 5:00 pm)

Server: (rp_EvoCity v2d )

Summary: (He said NLR stated that he dident have to forget and that he just had to wait 5 min..)

Evidence: ( )

I hate players who break nlr so please do something, thanks Cheese.... P.S i know i feel like a wiener asking for an admin when non where on -_- but i was to busy like raging at this guy for not following rules, because he than proceeded to try to prop block the door to the apartments, but because i don't have proof i cant put that as a crime.
Ban request approved, I will warn the accused player.

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