Player name: ASIN ^ wolf
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9184559
Time in GMT:
ban: week
reason: throw molotov

Why i get ban for 7 days for throw molotov? I tell it on yell 'its a raid'

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I should deny this already. First off not enough detail to explain anything. Secondly you don't even seem to say why do you want to be unbanned.
This gets DENIED, for the following reasons.

1) You've already been banned, and are working your way up the ban multiplier, a week was the next step.

2) You literally had NO reason to raid. Just because you YELL raid .. doesn't mean you CAN raid. - The president wasn't even in nexus, and you'd JUST spawned as black market dealer.

3) I asked you why do you it, and you say "Im random molotov?"

So in conclusion, Denied. Please take this time to remind yourself of the rules (they're on the forums). And in future have a reason before you start random fires.

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