Please Unban
Your name:

Your Ban ID:
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Banned by: (Admin that banned you)
Why we should unban you:
I was banned for trying to prevent car DM and stopping a minge on a rampage, check my ban request for him HERE.
Also, I admit i made a mistake, i was stressed by the situation, and plainly just fucked off and how much of a minge he was being. I really just want a to be back on the server. But o be fair, I was banned for 24 Hours for just putting a car on a prop (NOT BLOCKING IT! Easily pushed off), and I was straight up about it, yet Rizzooo was banned for 10 hours for prop blocking cars (BLOCKING!!!!) and also lying about it. I recieved a much harsher punishment than deserved.
Also, I realize how much I have just been treating this server as a kind of dark rp type, this is where I was wrong, this server is about creating a new 'life' as such, but there a rule breakers that seem to get to all of us at one point, I really want to get back on the server to RP with everyone again.
Ban expired.
Dare to think!

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