mr. pie
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?) r. Pie

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)STEAM_0:1:21481223

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?) earlier today the video took awhile to upload so i forgot.

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?) v33x

Summary: (What happened?) the kid though he could keep ramming into me and not expect something to happen. later i attempted prop kill as there was nothing else to do. and as the ban whore nevinator will show you i admitted to attempted prop kill but i was mostly using a prop to put a barrier between me and the minge. i will take a ban for the prop pushing/ attempted prop kill.

Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)
sorry its so long its 4 vidoes in one the attempted propkill wasnt recorded but i did it.

Edit: we were not in a chase and earlier when he was ramming my car i killed him and he broke nlr to get back in his car and continued to follow me.
Quote:and as the ban whore nevinator
Stop Calling me that. I find it obnoxious, and disrespectful. I Rarely post ban requests, and the most recent one was on you.
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Offensive post
(03-11-2012, 06:01 AM)Nevinator8 Wrote:
Quote:and as the ban whore nevinator
Stop Calling me that. I find it obnoxious, and disrespectful. I Rarely post ban requests, and the most recent one was on you.

i can call you whatever i want and basically this ban request has nothing to do with you becuase its not about me so much so gtfo this post. ban whore. No you cant and you have been warned for this post.
Also dont bother banning mr pie as he has done wrong and so have i.
im getting tired of this community and dont know how anybody can stay here for a year.
Alright, here is my response. I am not going to deny, basically yes i was "minging" or whatever you'd like to call it. So if there is a rule for bumping into others cars, or "failrp", or whatever you'd like to say the above is, i guess that is true.
However I would like to say this guy has broken multiple rules in this as well. Of course, he decides to cut off the video where he attempt prop kill. He claims he was trying to make a "barrier", but he was throwing the prop at me.. and either case, it is not allowed. Screenshots below.
And i dont know if this is an rp excuse, but he bumped me before recording. So i tried to go all "road rage", so that is as far rp reason as i could go
(03-11-2012, 06:23 AM)Twist Wrote: Alright, here is my response. I am not going to deny, basically yes i was "minging" or whatever you'd like to call it. So if there is a rule for bumping into others cars, or "failrp", or whatever you'd like to say the above is, i guess that is true.
However I would like to say this guy has broken multiple rules in this as well. Of course, he decides to cut off the video where he attempt prop kill. He claims he was trying to make a "barrier", but he was throwing the prop at me.. and either case, it is not allowed. Screenshots below.
And i dont know if this is an rp excuse, but he bumped me before recording. So i tried to go all "road rage", so that is as far rp reason as i could go

i did say the last reply was justins request but this is it. i didnt read your response but i think it was a bout prop kill which i guess you didnt read the post i admitted to it anyways i say you dont get banned becuase what do i care you you get banned anyways? im done here!! bye guys if im not perma banned for a 9th ban i will be back in half a year.

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