Ban request - Troll face and Wolverine
Name of players: Troll Face and Wolverine

SteamIDs:STEAM_0:0:39398900 and STEAM_0:0:36070765

Time in GMT: I dont remember

Server: rp_EvoCity v33x

Summary: Troll face had alots of random props lying around, propushing/killing, propsurffing etc. Wolverine used prop as shield and prop pushed someones car and did samethings as troll face.

Evidence: Video:
Ye. He went berserk on V33. Prop pushing my car and prop blocking tunnels.
This is what happens when all of the admins are offline at the same time :L
Clan Needed Tounge

so thats where my car went and how it got there -_- i was the head ss
Troll Face - month
Wolverine - week

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