3 words cover this,what the hell?
Admins shouldn't need to have god mode always on in the first place... But if you killed him when he was an unarmed and unemployed with a awp... that is total rdm and not an accident. What you accidently zoomed in on him and pulled the trigger? Hmmm...
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There were unemployeds basing there who had been firing at us ,some of them and the rebels hid there guns which was the ideal time to take them out to minimize injury on our team and the cops.

THe only way I see it was I mistook him for one of them on the water tanks.
I think I was there, I was the guy that called you guys over because of SS propclimbed in the base.
This could have perfectly been a accident. First of all it could have been unemployed people joining us in our fight and defending our base. The door was also open at that moment, so he could have shot you because he thought you we're one of us.
If I am correct I have something to do with this.
It was a big fire-fight. It could have been a simple misunderstanding.
And yes, we had no guns out at the moment because we was talking to the admin at the moment, I don't think he did it on purpose.

I hardly know this guy who got banned, so this is not any "Friend standing up for friend" thing.

EDIT: And the admin's was flying "ground level" And I believe they stood sometimes too.
And again, I am sure this is a misunderstanding
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Thank-you for the words of support and sense.
I'll add that if I was EVER going to take out an admin whilst doing his duties do you not think I would go in with an ak and might it look like crossfire or something? It's really insulting to be honest that you think I would just pop a cap in an admins head with an AWP whilst he was on duty.

I have 170 hours, and I try my best to rp..yes I do the odd bit of contra farming with rebels,don't we all? But I see myself as an ok player and wouldn't do what I have been acused of on purpose.

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