Hey, I'm kind've new
Hi there. I'm sort've new to this roleplaying game mode on gmod. I've owned gmod for quite a few years until just about a few months ago I started to play more and more multiplayer.

Anyways, I stumbled upon this server last night and had loads of fun. I'm still learning the rules of things around here but I think I've got the hang of it. Hopefully you'll be seeing more of me around the server.
welcome mate!
[Image: source.gif]

If you ever need someone to help you out, I'm always available.

If you see me on and have a question feel free to ask. Im always on and I am always willing to help out a new player. Smile
Need some builds for RP? Click here!
Welcome! Smile
This community is Newbie friendly. Everyone appreciates when you ask questions about rules, rather then making an incorrect assumption. Feel free to ask anyone here a question! Nice to see another new member
Welcome to Fearless.
welcome to fearless hope you will enjoy it here!

Pro tip: if you want to stay alive on the server keep as much distance as possible from MSOH Arre and Yurera (nah just kidding they are both friendly people Tounge )
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Welcome to to FearlessRP community Cheese

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