Gamemode Limit/rethink custom criminals
Title of Suggestion: Limit/rethink custom criminals

Nobody plays Corleone or Rebel anymore outside of new players, and instead they opt to go for custom job name style of being a criminal.

The problem with this is that there's no real limit to how many people can go criminal. It should be that if people want that aggressive RP they should be Corleone, Rebel, or clan job so that there are limited slots for criminals. 

Therefore, when criminals are full then the other option for aggressive RP is police and S.W.A.T. which nobody plays right now outside of a few dictatorships.

Back when custom criminal jobs weren't a thing we had big Corleone teams, Rebel teams and police teams all online and it was fun gameplay. Nowadays everyone just goes citizen and sets a gang name custom job.

The idea is that if criminals are full, then the aggressive rp'ers have government to fall back on instead, which will help with the fact that government is very dead right now. There's 50 people online with dozens of custom job name citizen criminals, no Corleones, no Rebels, and 1 police sergeant only.

Lack of regulations on criminal gang composition / numbers is killing government jobs. There's a limit on the number of rebels and corleones for a reason, so I think that should be applied to custom criminals too. There's also the balancing issue where 20+ players could coordinate to make a mega criminal gang and completely stomp on police, which makes them unraidable for cops which is totally unbalanced and kills government player count.

I think we need to return to having the number of criminals vs number of cops held by checks and balances, not just an unlimited amount of citizens with custom job names set to 'criminal' and '[name] gang'. I miss the days when there would be a full police faction fighting a full corleone faction, and you could expect this to happen regularly instead of there only being a couple police officers and 1 S.W.A.T. if you're lucky.
To clarify I don't mean remove custom criminals, but just make it so they're limited to low-level crime like mugging and car thief, rather than being able to contra base.

Don’t restrict how people choose to play and enjoy their time.
There's two solutions to that:

One is to remove both Corleone and Rebel jobs altogether, let all criminals be a custom citizen job. This would contribute to 'job titles and jobs are redundant' mantra, but would turn CityRP into DetroitRP where you can expect almost everyone to be armed with several money printers in their base.

Second is to 'buff' Corleone and Rebel job by adding additional contraband unit that can be spawned with greater salary, or limit rifles and 'high-end' weapons to those groups only and their associates, ...

From what I've also heard is that people go custom citizen job simply because they don't want to be stuck with either italian mafia outfit or CS:GO terrorist outfit, preferring citizen clothes that fits their RP more.
~ Equinox ~
Considering that rebels cannot do mining or moonshine, there should be some sort of buff to them where possible. Would rather give the groups their own merits than force people into them.
I would support not allowing citizens to place money printers, as that might require a larger organization to do so.
Rather just have them do weed and moonshine, which would make the rebel and Corleone jobs different than citizens - and possibly enough to fix the problem you've described.
Oh bollocks... I lost my Signature!
just remove corleone and rebels they're kinda pointless, make the playermodels some purchasable suits or something.
Stop using dark theme, nerd.
I agree there should be more incentive to go rebel or Corleone.

This has been an issue for quite a while.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Perhaps unrestricting some of the passive money options (mining, farming) from Rebel / Corelone, so they're not constantly limited to just aggressive money methods?
Doctor Internet;

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(07-11-2022, 12:45 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: Perhaps unrestricting some of the passive money options (mining, farming) from Rebel / Corelone, so they're not constantly limited to just aggressive money methods?

This will probably increase the amount of people who choose to be rebels and corleones.
But I think we'd all optimally prefer if there was a way to solve the problem while keeping them what they truly are; rebels and corleones - not miners and farmers.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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