Steam Name: fetty

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:240237739

BanID: 84911

Ban Reason
RDM | Lying on sit ( Also Warned Multiple times by more then 3 admins )

Staff Member: Violet DE Kittie

Involved users
police officer rubberduck

Why should you be unbanned?
so i was in a sit whit Violet DE Kittie then the server crash and  sche straight up band me   sche claim that i was lying in a sit  but i dint  and i had a reson to kill the officer but dint let me speak to say the reson why i kill him
Hello Fetty,
Let me explain why you get a ban.
So, I saw you get killed by an Officer on the main street. After five minutes, you come back with a gun and kill the officer who killed you at the hospital as unemployed. You also breaking your NLR that time. When I grab you and asked you what is the reason you kill him and you replay me " kill him? I don't know what is kill is". Server crash after that, I do wait for you after the server back but you never join. I'm a witness to the incident. That's is the reason ban you.

The rule you broke:
- 3.1 - Do not harm/kill people randomly (RDM); you must have a valid roleplay reason (a person's job or being a criminal is not a valid reason), for example protecting your property during a raid.
- 3.1a - Violence should always be the last option.
- 3.6 - Follow NLR (New Life Rule). If you die, you forget how you died.
- 7.1 - You can't commit crimes in public and you must have a valid roleplay reason (you can rob a store in public if deemed safe to do so). Public locations are the city, Metro stations, and Connectivity road.

To add, you also warned Multiple times by few admins and you have been blacklisted three days in a row for weapons for the same reasons. So, the ban is valid.

Violet De Kittie
[Image: pNimmbj.png]
3.6 - Follow NLR (New Life Rule). If you die, you forget how you died. but i never even broke nlr i was never that day in my nlr zone so how is that breaking nlr when i get aks by people to kill the officer after i died
i never sad (" kill him? I don't know what is kill is")

you are claim thing taht dint even happend so what happend then when you clearly dont know what happend you have no evidens (vid) from player that he got kill but you guys always aks for a vid to report players very weird
Hello, Again Fetty,
You always have to remember, Lying in the courthouse is NOT allowed. I clearly have the evidence you say " kill him? I don't know what is kill is" and like I say, I saw the incident. You killed the officer in the city, as unemployed. That still counts as RDM. 
Here the Proof of you say " kill him? I don't know what is kill is"

Here is the evidence of you kill him after 2 minutes he killed you.
[Image: YhmfC5F.png]
I have solid evidence of you broke the rules. So, Again this ban is still valid and I will deny this UBR.
Read the rules and it will help you much better to play on the server. Take your time and read the rules. You still have 10 days to fix yourself.
Good Day Fetty.

[Image: pNimmbj.png]

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