Joshy + Unknowns
Reported User(s): Joshy + Unknowns

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:225688237

Date & Time (GMT): 23/3/21 @ 21:45 GMT

Summary of the incident
Joshy and his gang were basing in bluefin. They were basing in the public area of bluefins (top floor). This is directly against rule 9.8 of basing '9.8 Bases utilising the public area of Bluefin Suites are not permitted and bases within the building must be contained to their respective property'.

We intended to raid their base but realised it was against the rules to base their, so I warned Joshy about it. We intended to give them sufficient time to rebuild an allowed base (assuming they didn't have another base inside the apartment itself, which they did). Instead of taking the advice Joshy started complaining that the rules were stupid and you were allowed to 'back in the old days'. He then said that we were only complaining we were 'little virgins' and we 'had no life'. This abuse followed in OOC. 

As well as this base being in the public area it was also a doomfort with 3 fading doors. Nevertheless. they didn't defend it. They instead decided to destroy their own contraband (which is questionable but no exactly against the rules) before committing suicide. We found 2 bodies of their group in a corner, to avoid RPing the raid and hostage taking etc, and another jumped off the balcony. This should be reflected in the logs. 

Joshy then went on to argue in OOC, bragging about suiciding in the raid and us 'not getting anything' as well as more abuse about sexual inexperience, a recurring theme in his comments. 

There were others in his group but I was unable to see their names and ID's.

My friend will provide a video of both the raid and the second half of me warning him about the base being in the wrong area. 

If you'd like any more details or have any questions please let me know.

1)    Haven’t played this game in a long time therefore, you forget somethings and new rules can be added/ side note never played this map didn’t know that was a new rule they added.
2)    2 Never said rules were stupid also no reason for raid in the first place, you “intended to give them sufficient time to rebuild an allowed base” however, you and your cohort decided to walk down the stairs then immediately, walk back up them, guns blazing spamming Molotov’s. I also don’t see, how the claim “I warned Joshy about it” is valid considering, you and your unknown associates started shooting at us roughly 10 seconds after your so called “warning” which consisted of you verbally abusing me over the microphone calling me a “nerd” for standing up to your condescending mannerisms- this abuse will be further talked about in point 3.
3)    3 If you want to talk about abuse let’s talk about what you said in ooc you called us virgins and pussys for destroying contra, which If I might add you instigated after the “raid” “ended” so I wouldn’t recommend you to pull that card, also considering the aura you radiated during this event, one would assume that you know destroying contra isn’t in any way against the in game rules and general server rules so why you was making it out to be a unforgivable sin I do not know. Regarding the “old days” statement, this was taken out of context, you were implying that I was disregarding the current rules. However, I was clearly stating that this was allowed when I was playing frequently.4)    You talk about doom fort not all of the base was mine just the first door way bit if you looked at who owned the prop you could tell which bit was mine. I know for a fact you know that all the props contained in the room wasn’t mine considering you entered the room with your associates, the bold claim of this being a doom fort is invalid as they weren’t my props. Please elaborate in which way was this a doom fort as I am greatly intrigued in this claim.
5)    You talk about jumping off the balcony- for one I was never involved in suiciding and two, my “unknown associates” have little time played on the game, they were also unaware that the drop would kill them, considering there was no way out because the floor was in flames from the consistent Molotov spam.
6)    Might I add, the statement “This should be reflected in the logs” is a bad choice of words, considering you and your Dev Key clan were coincidentally RDMing people when Admins were not online. An example of this is when my friend was killed outside of the MTL area of the map whilst in the passenger seat of his own car on the road driving towards the villa tunnel, for no apparent reason, we had no contact with the individuals apart from the lightest scrape on a car near the MTL which might have been why my friend was killed however, this is a very petty reason and against the sever rules, this can be seen in kill logs if they exist.
I’d like to add that this incident was roughly 30mins long so I would like to see the unedited footage of the entire incident from the apparent “warning” that was issued and the following “abuse” in the ooc tab which was instigated by Centurion and other member(s) of the Dev Key “clan”.

(03-24-2021, 12:24 AM)Joshua1 Wrote: 1)    Haven’t played this game in a long time therefore, you forget somethings and new rules can be added/ side note never played this map didn’t know that was a new rule they added.
2)    2 Never said rules were stupid also no reason for raid in the first place, you “intended to give them sufficient time to rebuild an allowed base” however, you and your cohort decided to walk down the stairs then immediately, walk back up them, guns blazing spamming Molotov’s. I also don’t see, how the claim “I warned Joshy about it” is valid considering, you and your unknown associates started shooting at us roughly 10 seconds after your so called “warning” which consisted of you verbally abusing me over the microphone calling me a “nerd” for standing up to your condescending mannerisms- this abuse will be further talked about in point 3.
3)    3 If you want to talk about abuse let’s talk about what you said in ooc you called us virgins and pussys for destroying contra, which If I might add you instigated after the “raid” “ended” so I wouldn’t recommend you to pull that card, also considering the aura you radiated during this event, one would assume that you know destroying contra isn’t in any way against the in game rules and general server rules so why you was making it out to be a unforgivable sin I do not know. Regarding the “old days” statement, this was taken out of context, you were implying that I was disregarding the current rules. However, I was clearly stating that this was allowed when I was playing frequently.4)    You talk about doom fort not all of the base was mine just the first door way bit if you looked at who owned the prop you could tell which bit was mine. I know for a fact you know that all the props contained in the room wasn’t mine considering you entered the room with your associates, the bold claim of this being a doom fort is invalid as they weren’t my props. Please elaborate in which way was this a doom fort as I am greatly intrigued in this claim.
5)    You talk about jumping off the balcony- for one I was never involved in suiciding and two, my “unknown associates” have little time played on the game, they were also unaware that the drop would kill them, considering there was no way out because the floor was in flames from the consistent Molotov spam.
6)    Might I add, the statement “This should be reflected in the logs” is a bad choice of words, considering you and your Dev Key clan were coincidentally RDMing people when Admins were not online. An example of this is when my friend was killed outside of the MTL area of the map whilst in the passenger seat of his own car on the road driving towards the villa tunnel, for no apparent reason, we had no contact with the individuals apart from the lightest scrape on a car near the MTL which might have been why my friend was killed however, this is a very petty reason and against the sever rules, this can be seen in kill logs if they exist.
I’d like to add that this incident was roughly 30mins long so I would like to see the unedited footage of the entire incident from the apparent “warning” that was issued and the following “abuse” in the ooc tab which was instigated by Centurion and other member(s) of the Dev Key “clan”.


You contradict yourself countless times here, but nevertheless I'll try to respond to that 'defence'...

1. You knew about the rules because I came and told you. And you responded with calling myself, and the group, 'virgins' and 'losers'. It's hard to play the innocent card when you are made aware of the problem, plead ignorance, are proven wrong then just say 'well youre a bunch of losers' and 'youre absolute virgins' while keeping the base up (now knowing it was against the rules). 

2. Why would we wait when you refused to change the base? We warned you about the rule infringement, we stepped back and was committed to leaving and then you refused to remove the base and started the insults. Again, absolutely useless point just trying to portray yourself as some kind of victim. You were being raided for contraband, which you DID have. 

3. Hang on, so if we call you pussies and losers (not virgins) in OOC after you provoked us its horrifying, but if you do so unprovoked for me giving you advice about your rule breaking its fine? Double standards don't work here mate. YOU started being hostile when we were simply warning you about the rules. I suggested destroying your contraband was questionable, not against the rules. It's your contraband and you can choose what to do with it. 

4. You clearly don't understand doomfort rules either. A base isn't a doomfort based on who's it is or how many people base there, its determined in the rules ,generally, as if it has an overly unfair advantage to the defenders (e.g. one way props, tight corriders with firing holes, no cover for keypads etc). Regardless of who owned which props, you were all based there. You're all accepting the base you are in. Having more than 2 fading doors (which you did including your rule-breaking public bluefin area base) is not allowed. Having unfair shooting angles (with only the head visible) is unfair. 

5. Who are your unknown associates? If you are innocent you won't mind giving their names. I seem to remember them having around 100 hours (I can't promise this, I just seem to remember having a mental note of it). They were part of your gang and broke the rules, give their usernames instead of getting in the way and hiding their names. Jumping off a 5 story building was obviously suicide. However, two of them suicided inbase. Their bodies were found in the bedroom area of your bluefin suite. They suicded (or killed eachother) without use of the balcony. If this was someone else's body you should probably say who and why now. 

6. If you are going to start the old 'he's broken the rules so I shouldn't be banned for the rules I broke' nonsense, make a PR.  I haven't broken any rules. I haven't RDMed anyone. I left the server with 1 kill and that was in a raid (in which an admin was part of). Nevertheless, you breaking the rules doesn't suddenly become okay because you think someone else has. That's stupid at best, backseat admin at worst. 

The raid was 7 minutes long. Chechen is struggling to sort out the video so it will probably be done later (not that it's even needed). Your crying in OOC lasted 20 minutes after that, in which I sent around 5/6 messages. Again, that still doesn't change the fact your broke the rules. 

So lets summarise: Your entire reply was an attempt to make yourself look like an innocent victim who didn't know they did anything wrong and shouldn't be punished because you were genuinely mistaken and sorry. Yet when I nicely told you about your base, you called me a virgin and a loser. You swore and kicked off and refused to remove the dupe despite now knowing it was against the rules. You (although you deny it) and your team (who you have said did) committed suicide, against the rules, to avoid RPing the raid. You then started taunting in OOC with 'haha nothing for you losers'. You then think that, despite all this rule breaking and a terrible attitude, a couple of DevKey members responding unkindly to you in OOC (of which you were a part) suddenly nullifies any wrongdoing. That sound about right? 

On the other hand, I have screenshots showing your base. There are lots showing how your friends died (and who they were). There are logs showing your messages in OOC. Hopefully tomorrow there will be a video of the entire base and you have confessed (whether you meant to or not) to both breaking the rules and knowing you were breaking the rules. 

I suggest you get that chip off your shoulder and accept the fact you messed up here. Show some humility as if you were actually sorry instead of throwing your toys out the pram saying 'b-b-but he was nasty toooo'. The honest truth is that if you weren't so a prick during and after the whole situation I wouldn't have even given you a second thought, let alone made a PR on you. But when someone as proud of arrogant as you decides to throw around their own insecurities as insults to distract from their rule-breaking and then brag about it and taunt in OOC, you need to be proved wrong.
1)    I can’t recall exactly what I said when you asked it to be taken down because of it being a public area but I’m certain that I didn’t directly say nor imply that I won’t be taking the gate down at all. Regarding the “losers” comment this was said however, it was a response to the arrogant vibe, demanding it to be taken down instantly (If I could have read the rules for myself I would of made alterations to the area so it wouldn’t conflict with the new rules however you didn’t give me that opportunity) as soon as you came up to the top floor. You also threatened me and the group with being banned and then proceeded to laugh about it walking down the stairs also stating that when the admin comes and removes the gate in 30mins (which they never did, nice threat btw) you would come back and kill us.
2)    “You were being raided for contraband, which you DID have.” Yes this is true that we had contra, you decided to raid almost instantaneously after the confrontation however, “you refused to remove the base and started the insults” is partially incorrect, as I said I’m certain that I never directly said nor implied that I won’t be removing the base under any circumstance as I wanted to check for myself if the rule you stated was correct but before I got the opportunity you walked back up the stairs and started to raid, the insults I said however were a result of the cocky attitude you gave off- which I believed might of rubbed me the wrong way a bit too much.
3)    The claim “after you provoked us” again is incorrect after the ordeal at the apartments finished you or one of your associates were the first people to type in ooc about the situation calling us pussies and losers (which you said you did) – “so if we call you pussies and losers (not virgins) in OOC”. The response I gave was sarcastic as you literally gained nothing from the raid as the printers were destroyed, which is factual. “YOU started being hostile when we were simply warning you about the rules” I might have come across hostile in this situation however again this was due to the cocky attitude YOU gave when being face to face with me through a transparent part of the gate. You then later stated “I suggested destroying your contraband was questionable, not against the rules” Yes this is true it is our contra and destroying it is allowed however, the way it was worded in ooc by either you or someone else came across like it was against the rules.
4)    “it has an overly unfair advantage to the defenders (e.g. one way props, tight corriders with firing holes, no cover for keypads etc)”. Firstly, there was no unfair advantage to the base which you only saw when you raided the top floor might I add- as you are clearly able to shoot our heads and torso from either side of shooting section which then invalidates the claim “Having unfair shooting angles (with only the head visible) is unfair.” Secondly, we didn’t even retaliate when you raided so the claim again in invalid as the so-called “unfair shooting angles” weren’t utilised.
5)    “give their usernames instead of getting in the way and hiding their names” I’m not getting in the way I’m simply referring to the mandem how you did. “Their bodies were found in the bedroom area of your bluefin suite. They suicded (or killed eachother) without use of the balcony. If this was someone else's body you should probably say who and why now.” These bodies you found were from previous Corleone members which decided to raid us when we were under the “rebel” job role. “Jumping off a 5 story building was obviously suicide” elaborate please which rule was broken in the suicide incident, as my friends tried to edge off the balcony, hoping to catch themselves on a lower floor, this failed and they unfortunately died, this was not intentional.
6)    “ If you are going to start the old 'he's broken the rules so I shouldn't be banned for the rules I broke' nonsense, make a PR” that was not my intent with that claim I was trying to point out how potentially YOU but definitely someone from your clan seem to protrude around the map thinking you can RDM and hostage without consequences- which is being shown in another PR.
7)    “The raid was 7 minutes long” I don’t recall the exact duration of the event entirely however it was definitely more than 7 mins long. “Chechen is struggling to sort out the video so it will probably be done later” I’m not sure how this is possible as retrieving a short video of 7mins usually doesn’t take this long as its unedited footage of the entire event and what followed right? “Your crying in OOC lasted 20 minutes after that” I mean if you are calling us receiving consistent abuse and mockery after the raid finished crying then I suggest you pick up a dictionary for £6.55 in WHSmith.
“There are lots showing how your friends died (and who they were)” then I’m not sure why you are asking for the names if the intel you have already displays this information, making the question earlier redundant. “There are logs showing your messages in OOC.” Yeah there should be, it should also show the things you were bellowing out for no apparent reason, hopefully this will make you realise that you aren’t a goody too shoes and are all innocent which you seem to be implying. “'b-b-but he was nasty toooo” btw no one said this lol.

“honest truth is that if you weren't so a prick during and after the whole situation I wouldn't have even given you a second thought, let alone made a PR on you. But when someone as proud of arrogant as you decides to throw around their own insecurities as insults to distract from their rule-breaking and then brag about it and taunt in OOC, you need to be proved wrong.” Would also like to point out that this is the biggest paradoxical paragraph I’ve ever seen as you was the one taunting about us being banned and mocking the contra situation.
I sUgGeSt that you drop the cocky attitude as it really rubs of on people different ways, and I mean its just not needed. Well, I guess now I know not to build in the bluefin area like we did as it’s “directly against rule 9.8 of basing '9.8 Bases utilising the public area of Bluefin Suites are not permitted and bases within the building must be contained to their respective property”.

I would like to point out to you that what you have stated here: “Show some humility as if you were actually sorry instead of throwing your toys out the pram” and “if you weren't so a prick” is against the forum rules as stated in rule 1f, I assume you know this but I would like to remind you nevertheless. This language isn’t acceptable.


Please keep an eye on this page in the next 20-30 minutes.

-Removed by Steven8ken
Joshy you will receive a PTE Blacklist.

You cannot use the excuse of not knowing the rules because youve had a long break I would expect somebody to use the common sense that if they havent played somewhere with rules for a long time you would double check to see if anything has changed.


-Removed by Steven8ken

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