[FL:RP] Dimitris
Reported User(s): [FL:RP] Dimitris

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127839448

Date & Time (GMT): 1/1/20 @ now GMT

Summary of the incident
police serg being more then corrupt. helping out a freind and blameing me for the parts wich ended in demote for some reason i still dont know why.

Random demote - metagameing with hes freinds to get him free. he demoted me before he heard why i was gonna arrest him. a clear sign of them being in kohut

STEAM_0:1:76673673  metagameing with hes freinds to get him free (person name on steam was SpaghettiFTW 

the person is calling hes two freinds to come help him out i draged him away so he could not get help from hes freinds

Greetings Aly,

Firstly I would like to start of by saying I believe I did not break a single rule in that situation, your behavior had been reported already by Vegas who you arrested attempting to give him max punishment for simply throwing a snowball. As I had no evidence back then I did not do anything but of course I kept that information in mind. Fast forwarding like 20 mins, I witnessed you before my very own eyes being extremely violent for no reason at all, you tased someone for throwing a snowball and you left him laying on the street for a good minute before I confronted you about it. I once again decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and let you off with a warrant. In about 10 minutes I got messaged by SpaghettiFTW that you were once again trying to arrest the same guy although I said otherwise and that's when I decided to take action and demote you. I'm sorry for any misunderstanding but I believe I had a more than valid reason to demote you.

Kind regards,


Note: The video is broken ( for me at least ).
You have 24 hours to fix the video, else this will be denied.
Hello Aly,

Involved as i was the one you tried to arrrest randomly on 2 occasions.

On the first occasion - outside nexus, as Dimitris said you tazed me and left my body in the road. I had just joined the server at this point, you then continued to disobey your police chief.

Upon being forced to let me go, at shopping street you then put me in cuffs and took me a away and tried to arrest me for no reason - my friend SeaBiscuitSteve saw me by luck and I then asked him to message the police chief - At the time Dimitris. Dimitris in no way metagamed as the information that I was being random arrested by you again, I also have no means of using 3rd party communication with him - not having him as a friend on discord, being in a discord call or having him on steam etc.

Thank you.
Now since you fixed the video I feel the need to make an other reply. You have posted a video showcasing not even half of the situation, all you posted is you attempting to arrest the same guy I told you not to since you had no valid reason. Also I would recommend not making false accusations as well as not speaking IC for OOC matters as you ruin the roleplay.
Denied, the evidence provided doesn't show any clear rule breakage at all.

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