Suggestion: Death / Defibrilator
This probably would be called under Serious-RP, but I am just going
To throw this idea out anyways.

So death, for normal users it is 30 Seconds and then they can respawn.

What if the time for death was set at: 3 Minutes?

The Paramedic could have a new addition, a Defibrilator:

[Image: defibrillator-paddles.gif]

And if they got to a dead user, they could revive him by using the Defibrilator, and it would allow the user to keep his weapons.

And instead of users losing their weapons right when they are killed, they would lose them after the 3 minutes.

Overall, by setting the death time to 3 Minutes, it would prevent Corleone members from breaking NLR in their suburbs, it would prevent Cops from going back to the place they died quickly, and a lot more, and by adding the Defibrilator It would create a more realistic job for Paramedics.

You don't know how defibrillators work, do you?

They don't bring people back to life. They simply revive someone whose heart has just stopped, and chances are, if you've been shot/stabbed/lacerated a thousand times in the face and chest, your chances of survival are quite slim.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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.... Obviously but compared to games like Battlefield 3, the Defibrilator is used to revive, so why not implement it like that?
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Because Battlefield 3 and Garry's Mod RP are two almost completely different things. GModRP is designed for realism, and obviously the realism in defibrillators wouldn't work in games such as CoD and Battlefield.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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Your making a point, but compare it to the most realism lacking things in the server.

Lock-picking: It is much different than waiting an amount of seconds aiming at a door with it, and it magically opens.

Keypad Cracking: It lacks the part in which it would search every available digit and then open it.

Both of those on the server act the same way, they obviously are meant to do there job in "Lock-picking" a door, or "keypad-cracking" a keypad, yet they lack the true difficulty and realism of doing it, and instead require a small amount of time for it to be done.

Basically the Defibrillator would be the same, as it is in every other game that has it, it simply revives the person.

Maybe there is a 2/4 Chance of it not working, and failing.
Well, the thing is the lockpick and keypad cracker mechanisms are there because it'd be impossible to code otherwise into the engine, not because we don't want it more realistic. We're working on improving the keypad cracker to make it a bit more realistic anyway.

Thing is, these are both semi to well realistic.

A magic defibrillator isn't realistic in the slightest, it'd be terrible for RP like that. No no, we need a different implementation for a defibrillator. I agree medics need more to RP, but I think there are more RP ways to go about it.
I think this is a good idea, but after you get defibed you only start with 10 or so health, on that way you can't just instantly start with 100 HP and as you all know you screen is F'ed up when you get low HP. And like the lockpick/keypad cracker, you can add a progress bar to it so you don't revive instantly so it can't be abused, as well as making it somewhat dangerous to defib someone in a "War-Zone". And for model, i suggest the L4D2 model as the coding/model is already finished by Valve.

[Image: Defibrillator.jpg]

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