Steam Name: Slaint

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:245587480

BlacklistID(s): 104976

Blacklist Reason

Staff Member: Kippsee

Involved users

Why should you be unblacklisted?
So the reason i was blacklisted was for RDM but i do not see what point i RDMed Pablo He never put his gun away he sprayed down my raiding buddy FlexibleBread45 so i continued shooting he never put his gun away at all in this raid then he rushed at me and i killed him, he respawned and i told him get down he ignored so i shot him

Edit: i said get down while running to him
Doesn't matter, he wasn't armed and clearly AFK, you didn't give him enough time either in my eyes so you had no reason at all to kill him.


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