Suggestion: Blind Fold
Under the Category of:

- Hostages

The User would have a blind fold similar to Hostage Rope.
Left click to apply, right click to take off.

Tim Jones is placing a blindfold on Nudelholz

Tim Jones has taken the blindfold off Nudelholz

It would block the User from seeing, and would allow Kidnappers to take Hostages to secret locations, or would make it so Hostages could not find a way to escape.

[Image: blindfolded.jpg]

Would lead to better and more Realistic HostageRP, or others.

I like this idea! And it would not be so hard to make!

Big +support here
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
- Support

people would get randomly blindfolded in the middel of the street.
just rp it etc. "/me puts a blindfold infront of Tony 'Rex' Hank's eyes"

How could they take hostages to secret locations if they cannot see where they are going? You would need to somehow drag or pull them, which is something else entirely.

Also, it would stop them finding a way to escape? We already have the hostage rope which makes it impossible to escape any room without outside help.

The only good thing I see about this is it could be used for RP'ing something other than what you suggested. Maybe prisoners being lined up for public executions or something.

This suggestion seems great Cheese Would be awesome to take hostages blindfolded. Also you can just make the SCREEN all black, you dont have to make the person go into somekind of "handcuffed" state. Maby a bag over his face to show others that this person is kidnapped would be cool. GREAT IDEA!
This will be easily abused. Can easily be RP'd with the /me command.
+Support WTH,are this people talking about?Abused?No,do people get randomly hostage'd in middle of the streets Trex?Nope.
How can they see?Direct them,with a microphone or commands.
How do you rp that?I mean the people still where they are at,so they just can use /request to get the police to their location.
IGN:Igor "Flower" R   Steam:LowerFlowerPower

[Image: fsx42Oo.png]
I Dont Get you -Supporters. Hostage Rope doesn't get abused, so why should this? Just make it cost 5k for one and it wont be abused
+Support. Everything can be abused, so why all the -support? It's a great idea!

(02-26-2012, 04:01 PM)LowerFlowerPower Wrote: so they just can use /request to get the police to their location.

That's against the rules Tounge

Also, your hands would have to be tied because you can easily slip the blindfold off your head.

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