TagliatelliFTW/ SpaghettiFTW FearRP Breakage
Name of player:

SpaghettiFTW - STEAM_0:1:76673673

TagliatelliFTW - STEAM_0:1:224593772

Time in GMT:





Walked over to both SpaghettiFTW and TagliatelliFTW as I saw they both had their rifles out which was against the Presidents laws.

I very quickly say to them both after I take my shotgun out to get on the floor - They both ignore my command and walk off in different directions.

They then pull up their weapons and kill me.



[Image: KL3qjvw.png]

Posting On Behalf of Spaghetti -

You can clearly see on your video that when you say on the floor, you yourself do not have a gun pointed, therefore there being no FearRP, giving us a chance to unholster and open fire onto you, You can also see that we do have superior firepower compared to you and you are also not aiming at us, futher giving us a chance to open fire upon you, Also you say we ignored you commands, although this is not the case due to you not having a gun pointed at us for the entirety of the command, you can also see me unholster pretty much straight away, So therefore i dont see how we have broken any rules due to you not having guns pointed at us, not unholstering your gun straight away, so overall we had the advantage and its clear we did nothing wrong
[Image: RNVkfMQ.png]

(10-29-2018, 05:13 PM)TagliatelleFTW Wrote: Posting On Behalf of Spaghetti -

You can clearly see on your video that when you say on the floor, you yourself do not have a gun pointed, therefore there being no FearRP, giving us a chance to unholster and open fire onto you, You can also see that we do have superior firepower compared to you and you are also not aiming at us, futher giving us a chance to open fire upon you, Also you say we ignored you commands, although this is not the case due to you not having a gun pointed at us for the entirety of the command, you can also see me unholster pretty much straight away, So therefore i dont see how we have broken any rules due to you not having guns pointed at us, not unholstering your gun straight away, so overall we had the advantage and its clear we did nothing wrong

If you actually watch the point where I say "on the floor" you can see that I pulled up my shotgun before I said that.
[Image: KL3qjvw.png]

Can I ask why you two were walking around with weapons in the first place when it's against the law?
As criminals you want to keep a low profile.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
We had guns on our back due to the police serg kept on nlring trying to RDM us, something which was punished for by Zecon, although took this time, so the guns were on our back for self defence purposes, and we didn’t holster them due to us taking the short walk to apartments to base, Also Huskii, anyway the point still stands, you  weren’t even aiming at us and also it was clearly a situation we would’ve won

Also let me add SRU's cant enforce the laws that is not there job

(SpaghettiFTW words not mine)
[Image: RNVkfMQ.png]

So you do understand that you broke rules, simply because someone else was?
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
I'm not quite sure how you can claim that I did not aim at you. Might I suggest you re-watch the video to understand the situation better.

I raised my shotgun and told you both to get on the floor. You then both ignored me and walked off in opposite directions, then proceeded to raise your own weapons and kill me.
[Image: KL3qjvw.png]


It is standard procedure that when a cop runs up to me that I will move a bit so I’m not bundled up, and due to the lag between you saying it and me receiving the message that is probably why it’s seems like we run, even though it’s only a couple metres so it’s clearly not intentional and how you are using that as a argument is beyond me.

Anyway you say you were pointing the gun at us, even though you can see in the video if you were to shoot not a single bullet would correct to us and instead hit the floor you seem to be aiming at, this would therefore tell us that we have an chance to shoot and be free as there is no immediate risk to us due to us outmanning and outgunning you so you would get melted, like you did, so overall your lack of aim gave us a break to shoot, you didn’t even scope your gun in, so this makes it even clearer our undisputed superiority in the situation.

In my opinion, you coming over to us like that is a clear not valuing of your life, if you were a cop irl you would not just run up to 2 big men with some fat off famas’ out without 1. Being superior 2. Having backup (there wasn’t even another member of government on at that time) So you should of seen it’s not very good value of your life, and clearly a suicide job, also it is not even your job as sru to enforce the law.


We don’t receive voice chat instantly so that is the reason for maybe moving a couple metres
You were not aimed at us at all, giving us the opportunity to shoot knowing we would win due to the multiple factors mention above such as having more people, u having no backup and also being outgunned.
You just running up to us like that when it’s not your job like that just seems like a fat NVL and also unrealistic, it was pretty much a suicide job, even further backing up my point of the reason we shot is because we knew we would win
(11-01-2018, 03:01 PM)Awestruck Wrote: So you do understand that you broke rules, simply because someone else was?

No, we clearly said we only had guns out because we kept on getting shot at randomly by cops and had to defend ourselves, and also the public display of weapons is only a law not a rule, and  we had a reason to have them out, so it’s clearly a rule break.
I think you'll find this quote is a direct breach of the rules.

Quote:We had guns on our back due to the police serg kept on nlring trying to RDM us
Although there is a law about weapons, it's a breach of the rules to carry weapons in full view of Nexus without valid reason (your reason being invalid due to someone else's rulebreak). It's FailRP. As said previously, as a Criminal, you want to keep a low profile.
Not to mention this is also a FearRP breakage by both users.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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