Staff Report DVN
Username: DVN

Accused Staff Member: DVN

Involved Users: Frost and DVN

Time/Date/Time Zone: 20:40

Abuse of Power or Rule Infringement: Using his power of kicking to take someones job slot (President). The instant he kicked the president for "Flaming OOC" he took his job.

Evidence and Explanation:

If video doesn't work:
I was a part of this as i got a 4 day ban out of this situation, DVN was a cop and Frozen was president, I was a citizen and frozen needed a lift to pick up his car, i was getting to be his security/assistent in a way so i offered to drive him. We were keeping to the speed limit and had barely set off in the city and apparently i ran a red light accidentally, before even realizing it an undercover cop car came out of nowhere and rammed me off the road, killing a civilian in the process. We then had 2 cops pull assault rifles at us and yelling to get out of the car (The car was fully blocked by a wall and their car so we could not) I calmly tried to explain this fact to the cop in question (This being DVN) who just kept yelling at us incoherently for the most part. Not finding reason i OOC said i was going to need an admin to get involved, to which frozen informed me he was an admin. I made a comment about this being pretty stupid situation for an admin (My bad, yes) A simple red light turned into a full crash and the death of a citizen with no resisting what so ever. I simply couldnt get out of the car without getting stuck. DVN then banned me for 4 days for breaking fear RP, and kicked Frozen from president which he then took immediately.
Not only did he ban oneshott for a ridicilous reason, and I can somewhat see why he kicked me (Although I already stopped) then him taking the job is just borderline Abuse. There is no way anyone else could be that fast as he was the one that kicked and IMMEDIATLY took it
In regards to the situation prior to the kick you can make a UBR to appeal this. There was space to climb out the window in reality and you used the excuse of my vehicle being there as powergaming. As you stated 3 officers with rifles ordered you to climb out the vehicle. You responded to Frozen's comment about me already being an admin to "if he's an admin I've never seen a more retarded admin in my life" or something along the lines of that. I forgot to include 'Insulting community members' to your ban, which I will edit in now, for that I apologise.

In regards to taking the Presidential position, many people check TAB all the time for that slot opening. When I kicked you the entire server got that warning message. Once you were kicked I had to open F1, go to the character menu, click jobs (I was on the personalisation section) and then become President. It looks awful on my part I completely get where you're coming from, but I didn't intentionally kick Frozen to get the Presidential job.

Frozen demoted me right after I banned his friend, I passed this off as an IC situation still regardless of how strange the timing was.

Quote:v4b1 [19:40:10] [FL] DVN (STEAM_0:0:79053468) said: !ban 373 4d Breaking FearRP
v4b1 [19:40:14] [FL:RP] Fro[Z]en (STEAM_0:0:20857603) said: .// WTF?
v4b1 [19:40:26] [FL:RP] Fro[Z]en (STEAM_0:0:20857603) said: /demote 355 Doesn't know how to be an officer
v4b1 [19:40:26] [FL:RP] Fro[Z]en (STEAM_0:0:20857603) used command: demote 355 Doesn't know how to be an officer

Frozen decided to take this further in OOC, at first I was very calm and even thanked him for his feedback in an attempt to stop him from carrying on.

Quote:v4b1 [19:40:39] [FL:RP] Fro[Z]en (STEAM_0:0:20857603) said: // DVN Blocked his car, and blocked the door, And did a shit job as an officer
v4b1 [19:40:50] [FL] DVN (STEAM_0:0:79053468) said: // Thank you for the feedback Frozen.

He then continued further which resulted in the kick. Absolutely nothing to do with getting the Presidential position.

Quote:v4b1 [19:40:56] [FL:RP] Fro[Z]en (STEAM_0:0:20857603) said: // Learn to be a cop.
v4b1 [19:41:02] [FL:RP] Fro[Z]en (STEAM_0:0:20857603) said: // Learn to be a cop, and ontop of that, learn to be an admin
v4b1 [19:41:25] [FL] DVN (STEAM_0:0:79053468) said: // 1. There was space to climb out the window 2. People who break the rules get banned
v4b1 [19:41:27] [FL:RP] Fro[Z]en (STEAM_0:0:20857603) said: // You are blocking a car door, and tell someone to get out with a gun on him because of running a red light
v4b1 [19:41:31] [FL:RP] Fro[Z]en (STEAM_0:0:20857603) said: // #Fucking SEMI SERIOUS RP

Everyone still had a fair chance, from the moment of that message appearing anyone could have opened F1 to become the President. I do however apologise for making it seem like it was intentional, and for not applying the appropriate ban reason to justify 4 days.

Thank you.
I demoted you for ignoring Mayor orders, as I told you to back up the car so that you could continue the traffic stop because he was inable to get out of the car. I am sorry that this is an RP server and you didn't realise that.

the demote was fully fair, so don't pull that card. Also I practically quit after the warning to stop in OOC, so even that kick is pretty BS. And he didn't say Retarded admin... Don't twist his words
If i hopped out of the vehicle in that situation, I wouldve most likely been stuck inside the hood of your car, powergaming would claim that i was trying to get away in any sort of way, which i was not, i was sitting there talking to you, while you were yelling at me , for running a red light, you RAM a vehicle as hard as you can off the road into a civilian, and then pull out assault rifles on the person, Do you really see that as a justifiable action for a police officer? You simply abused your position as admin to have power over a situation YOU created, in which someone died thanks to you, all for a red light which at most should be a fine, which the laws also stated, Not a full on ram and arrest even though the person is not even ATTEMPTING to escape. On top of that you then kick the president for demoting you after doing this and take the job instantly.
(08-21-2018, 07:16 PM)[FL:RP]Fro[Z]en Wrote: I demoted you for ignoring Mayor orders, as I told you to back up the car so that you could continue the traffic stop because he was inable to get out of the car. I am sorry that this is an RP server and you didn't realise that.

the demote was fully fair, so don't pull that card. Also I practically quit after the warning to stop in OOC, so even that kick is pretty BS. And he didn't say Retarded admin... Don't twist his words

That's the same way I kicked you because you refused to follow admin orders, not to get President? Everyone got the notification of you being kicked and had the same opportunity from that point forward. Please define 'practically quit'. You didn't quit, you continued after I tried to defuse the situation, you know better than to flame in OOC just because your friend got banned. You can see in my reply after I quoted Oneshott I say 'or something along the lines of that' meaning I don't completely remember the situation so words may not be accurate, if you have footage of this then that would be great but until then I'm not sure you remember yourself?

(08-21-2018, 07:17 PM)Oneshott Wrote: If i hopped out of the vehicle in that situation, I wouldve most likely been stuck inside the hood of your car, powergaming would claim that i was trying to get away in any sort of way, which i was not, i was sitting there talking to you, while you were yelling at me , for running a red light, you RAM a vehicle as hard as you can off the road into a civilian, and then pull out assault rifles on the person, Do you really see that as a justifiable action for a police officer? You simply abused your position as admin to have power over a situation YOU created, in which someone died thanks to you, all for a red light which at most should be a fine, which the laws also stated, Not a full on ram and arrest even though the person is not even ATTEMPTING to escape. On top of that you then kick the president for demoting you after doing this and take the job instantly.

This has nothing to do with this AA case, I think you need to create a UBR as I don't feel like me replying to this will add to the case in hand.
Aren't you innocent untill proven guilty? If you have no clue what he said, and don't know if it was even an insult, then how can you Ban him for that reason? the UBR was already created but the fact that you are an admin and get away with this shit is incredible. I feel like the Oneshott case is important to this report so I added it.

Aren't admins there to ensure smooth RP? Then the Admins should first learn how to RP.

You show me a video of a cop ramming a vehicle not running from them for running a red light, then I'll consider you a decent RPer, however today you've proven to not have a clue how cops operate. When you searched someone he asked "shouldn't you ask if I have sharp objects that can poke you" (Something every cop asked) To which you replied: Nah, I am looking for those.

Then in the situation with Oneshott you Rammed someone for running a red light, resulting in a vehicular manslaughter (BY YOU) on a civilian, then you showed no care for the civilians life and just said "Didn't have to happen if you didn't run a red light" and then pointed M4's at someone fully co-operating with you. Something that no cop in real life would ever fucking do, and would get them demoted. which is EXACTLY why you lost your job.

Then ontop of that you claim he could easily climb out a window... How do you know? You don't know how athletic the person is, and Oneshott's character was clearly saying, NO I CAN'T. The window couldve been to small or he could've had too little room, it's a race car after all. You were blocking his door with your car, he simply said that and you yelled over him, again unrealistic as fuck.

Ontop of that you ignored direct orders from your Superior. The Mayor himself, saying that you should move your car so that the man in the BMW could get out, and saying that you are overreacting. To which you practically insulted the Mayor, your character then also said "Idc if you demote me" So you are saying your character does not care about losing his monthly income? And just ignores superiors fully... Again fully unrealistic.

Oneshotts decisions made full sense IC and OOC. As IC he couldn't get out, and OOC he couldn't get out cause he'd get stuck, proven by me getting stuck.
It does have to do with both the UBR (Which is already made) and the case at hand, as you turned your failure of RP into someone elses ban. You are ignoring all accusations and are literally just saying "Nah i didnt, u just mad cause ur friend got banned" lol. Actually respond to the accusations at hand, which are Fail RP as a cop, Overreacting to a situation, Not Rping out a situation at hand, CDM by ramming me into a civilian, and taking president immediately after a kick, seemingly making the kick mostly about your hurt feelings of being demoted for being a bad cop.
(08-21-2018, 07:24 PM)[FL:RP]Fro[Z]en Wrote: Aren't you innocent untill proven guilty? If you have no clue what he said, and don't know if it was even an insult, then how can you Ban him for that reason? the UBR was already created but the fact that you are an admin and get away with this shit is incredible. I feel like the Oneshott case is important to this report so I added it.

Please quote me where I said 'I have no clue' what Oneshott said. I understand Oneshott insulted me I just don't remember whether he said idiot or retard, but regardless an insult to a community member which has since been added to the ban.

Aren't admins there to ensure smooth RP? Then the Admins should first learn how to RP.

You show me a video of a cop ramming a vehicle not running from them for running a red light, then I'll consider you a decent RPer, however today you've proven to not have a clue how cops operate. When you searched someone he asked "shouldn't you ask if I have sharp objects that can poke you" (Something every cop asked) To which you replied: Nah, I am looking for those.

I don't know what to say to this apart from sorry really. You're having a huge go at me and including very minor things like me not saying 'do you have any sharp objects that can poke you' and putting it down to me being a bad roleplayer. I'm not a perfect cop roleplayer but this is a semi-serious RP server, not everything has to be done in major detail like you're complaining about.

Then in the situation with Oneshott you Rammed someone for running a red light, resulting in a vehicular manslaughter (BY YOU) on a civilian, then you showed no care for the civilians life and just said "Didn't have to happen if you didn't run a red light" and then pointed M4's at someone fully co-operating with you. Something that no cop in real life would ever freaking do, and would get them demoted. which is EXACTLY why you lost your job.

This isn't real life, this is a semi-serious roleplay server. If I didn't pull my firearm out I wouldn't have been able to initiate FearRP and the vehicle was of very high performance (BMW) so I didn't want to risk Oneshott getting away.

Then ontop of that you claim he could easily climb out a window... How do you know? You don't know how athletic the person is, and Oneshott's character was clearly saying, NO I CAN'T. The window couldve been to small or he could've had too little room, it's a race car after all. You were blocking his door with your car, he simply said that and you yelled over him, again unrealistic as fuck.

This is where again I believe you're powergaming, you don't decide whether the window is too small or his athletic ability just to get an excuse to break FearRP. This is a semi-serious roleplay server, he should have followed FearRP and jumped out as he would fear his life from 3 officers with firearms pointed at him.

Ontop of that you ignored direct orders from your Superior. The Mayor himself, saying that you should move your car so that the man in the BMW could get out, and saying that you are overreacting. To which you practically insulted the Mayor, your character then also said "Idc if you demote me" So you are saying your character does not care about losing his monthly income? And just ignores superiors fully... Again fully unrealistic.

This isn't unrealistic, this is the whole point of you having the ability to demote your staff in case we didn't follow orders. It's not a rule for me to follow your orders, hence why we allow corrupt police roleplay etc.

Oneshotts decisions made full sense IC and OOC. As IC he couldn't get out, and OOC he couldn't get out cause he'd get stuck, proven by me getting stuck.

You were on the passenger side hence why you got stuck in the wall, Oneshott might not have got stuck and would have probably got out on top of my bonnet, but this is something we both can't prove.

(08-21-2018, 07:25 PM)Oneshott Wrote: It does have to do with both the UBR (Which is already made) and the case at hand, as you turned your failure of RP into someone elses ban. You are ignoring all accusations and are literally just saying "Nah i didnt, u just mad cause ur friend got banned" lol. Actually respond to the accusations at hand, which are Fail RP as a cop, Overreacting to a situation, Not Rping out a situation at hand, CDM by ramming me into a civilian, and taking president immediately after a kick, seemingly making the kick mostly about your hurt feelings of being demoted for being a bad cop.

You broke the rules right in front of me then decided to insult me because you realised I was an admin and didn't agree with how I was roleplaying as an officer. For that reason I decided to punish you as you had no intention of listening to me IC.

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