PR, Kappatalist Dr. Mlem, XdddXd
Name of player: Kappatalsit, Dr. Mlem, XdddXd

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86900379, STEAM_0:0:120704777, STEAM_0:1:81638047

Time in GMT: 11 AM

Server: V4B1

Summary: I was roleplaying as SRU then they started rdming (which I didn't get on video) Minging and vdming + fearrp, I got the minging and fearrp on video as you can see.


PS: I was not metagaming using discord, I was muted and turned the sound down on discord, (until the end.) hence why my friend kept asking me the same question.
[Image: qrw50vfb_o.gif]
Thats kinda Rape rp

[Image: RZOi8xQ.jpg]
yes lol
[Image: qrw50vfb_o.gif]
I didnt RDM at all, i was simply in kappatalists car at the time.
(08-06-2018, 04:32 PM)Dr. Mlem Wrote: I didnt RDM at all, i was simply in kappatalists car at the time.

Are you also denying the accusations of you minging? because of that's clearly shown in the video above.
[Image: qrw50vfb_o.gif]
From the evidence you have here, they followed your FearRP commands in the end up. As for the minging about, if dealt with a staff member in-game, they would have gotten a warning or a kick.

Users will receive a warning.

NOT AN Administrator
Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

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