Server restart at 12PM GMT 0
Description: When its 12PM it will restart the server.

Why: The current restart is at 4PM. The server normally lasts 12 hours until it starts to get laggy and will continue to lag from 1-5 hours till it crashes. This falls right into the peak time of the server when everyone plays. By putting the server to restart at 12 it'll last till 12AM when the server will die off and then will do its 'lag restart' in the early morning when the population is at its lowest.

This will lead to during peak time it not lagging.
But 4PM is closer to peak time, and thus providing a more optimal experience during peak time?
[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.
(07-16-2018, 12:12 PM)Yonno Wrote: But 4PM is closer to peak time, and thus providing a more optimal experience during peak time?

Servers start to proper populate at 12PM onwards. By 4PM its pretty full the servers.

There was a thing like this, I don’t know where it went though. Should be around  2AM and 2PM to optimise the different population times on the server.
Kind Regards,
[Image: 2tVFym3.png]
-Support, a bit tall.

Makes sense really
[Image: KL3qjvw.png]

This was a feature before but I believe Soul veto'd against it, so it was instead made a 4am restart.

I've brang it up a ton as I believe it's very needed (it's recommended to restart every 6 hours).

Fearless Management

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