Report: Aznareth


Around midnight:

Roleplay server:

Well, me and my friends were just minding our own business and suddenly a whole police squad comes in and starts to detain us. They did not have a search warrant or an arrest warrrant. They did not want to give us any reason for the raid (wich is fine 1.10) They said something about explosions, but why just go in and raid, and not ask. The explosions was not from us, but from our neighbor. I asked some admins, but none responded. (They were probably busy or not too bothered to answer). I chose to report this guy because he was the guy that was most in it.. Thanks for reading Smile :
Involved I was the Police Sergeant and came to the situation

Firstly you leave out the part where you were destroying contra, which was presumably loud enough for the cops to hear it.

If all the doors of your property are open, and there are explosions inside your property, why would you expect the Police to knock on your door? The Police would obviously run in to secure the building.
We did not destroy any contra. We was in the middle of setting up our base, so there was no reason anyway to destroy contra.
The call through the police radio was that there was explosions inside your building, and when I arrived you were all being told to get up against the wall
You guys could've knocked, and irl you don't storm into a house without a search warrant first.
I was present during this raid, and as I know all of the victims who were present in real life I can assure you that none of us destroyed any contraband. I'll admit to hearing explosions though, so the reason why a search occured is understandable to me, but I'm 90% sure that those explosions weren't affiliated with the structure that got raided. I do find it stupid that I ended up getting arrested for my presence there, even though I didn't own any doors nor live within the property. I haven't watched the video yet, but I'm pretty sure you can hear me saying that in there. I think it would be more realistic of the police force to atleast look at the property information, cause I ended up in jail for absolutely no reason due to their actions. I hope you all understand my perspective of the situation.
I have checked the logs and found that the contraband that was spawned was not destroyed before the police arrived.
Not only that, but it was spawned no more than 1 minute and 20 seconds before the initial @ call was made by Emish.
The claim that there were explosions nearby is difficult to verify without any more evidence of this.
I do however stand behind the police raiding a building after hearing explosions, as police can raid a property without a warrant when they believe there is an immediate threat to life such as explosions.
Do you have any video evidence from before the raid Emish? It would be useful to pinpoint where and when the 'explosions' happened.
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
(07-07-2018, 10:46 PM)aDisabledDeer Wrote: The call through the police radio was that there was explosions inside your building, and when I arrived you were all being told to get up against the wall

Yo we were just settin up the base an yall just stormin in am like What du hell bro ion know What’s Even happening snd tou destroy my shit like wtf bro
[Image: 3SGm.gif]
Involved, You can see me as a detective in the video.
I passed by in a police car on pool street and heard explosions on my right with my surround sound headset (so either pool building or radio station). I checked the pool building, but found nothing there. So I assumed it must have been the radio station. The garage door, the door from the garage to the inside and the front door were all opened, so we just walked in without having to ask for a search warrant. I could basically drive into the garage with my black dodge charger, as said on the end of the video. We simply walked in and detained everyone. If I am correct, we found illegal items on them and searched the compound after that (with a search for having these items and the suspicion of contraband for explosions) and found contraband as well. I personally didn't warrant/arrest anyone for as far as I can remember, but I can imagine some officers here just arrested all people in the building because they had the same job title. So maybe the only accusation could be meta-gaming. That is all there happened.

On a personal note: I would like to point out that the ingame character 'Downsy N. Drome' at 1:20 says 'I hope you get cancer lol'. Whatever happens in a roleplay situation, I find that very offensive.
[Image: MrTreeGames-Signature.gif]
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I don't think that there is anything to do from here. After I've heard both stories I think we might should end it here. I can try to find the footage with the explosions and paste the link under her, so we can get to the bottom of this. But after all of the stories, I don't think there should be any penalties given.

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