UBR - For User "Aspire"
This thread has been posted on behalf of the user "Aspire" and in no way am I involved in the situation below. - Inlandbubbles.
Your name: Aspire

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:200223448

Your ban ID: 80358

Banned by: Barry Extended by Divey

Reason: FearRP, abusing chairs to avoid damage // Extended by Divey

Involved: Barry, Me, Willem, Divey

Why we should unban you: So where do I begin. I feel Barry it was a 50/50 from you. You could of believed me but you chose not to man. I did not move my character. I firmly dispute I was there until the Molotov was thrown. The boxes are glitched. When they break they are still there for 10 seconds. I have no idea why my player moved his head once. I was away from my screen reaching to get a drink in my room which wasn't too far away, when I turn I see the Molotov  and jump up towards the door and then scramble my headset on when I scream to the sru and police to help me. 5 mins before the incident I was in a different chair. It was willems suggestion to use the chair. Now willem didn't tell me to do anything and I'm not blaming him at all. I just feel like if he said it was okay to use the chair then it isn't my fault I was in it.  Due to no one raiding after 45 minutes and sru was a tank downstairs I had no thinking that there was a guy upstairs. If I turned to reach for my drink and my mouse moved then idk.  I can't speak on why my head moved but it isn't fair to ban me for 2 weeks. There is no evidence I used the chair willem advised me to use to exploit dying. This just is so unfair. I wasn't there and maybe when I leant I wobbled my mouse which was on my bed. Broke my chair the other day so I am on the end of my bed. To summarise: I am accused of Fear Rp breakage, I wasn't there but I got up as soon as I was, I didn't think anyone would even be there due to sru being downstairs and me not knowing I had a guy upstairs.  Divey also accuses me hence the extension of abusing the chair, this was advised to use by willem. We both didn't know I wouldn't die. I am completely innocent.
Thanks, Aspire.

UPDATE (14/06/18) - I missed something HUGE. I can not break Fear RP if I am shot, he shot at me and thus Fear rp is off. So even though I was away I am 100% cleared of any FEAR RP Breakage. Now the only thing left is the alleged "chair abuse", Willem was the one who gave me a tip to use it, i had a small chair before that, we both didn't know it was Bullet proof, but now I realise fear rp is off the chair doesn't even matter. I want to watch the event so please please handle this quickly.

Video Provided - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdq04WXh_FE&app=desktop

In response to the claim about FearRP, I will give you that as I thought I remembered hearing Kawaii order you to get out before shooting, not afterwards like he does in the video so that is my fault and that will be removed from your ban reason.

However my primary point about abusing chairs still stands.
The video clearly shows you moving, even looking right at Greed when he appears. You say that you only got back to your keyboard after the molotov is thrown? It's a very convenient story as I said in the sit we had beforehand. How else would your mouse have moved?
Willem did not know that the chair was bulletproof, so to push the blame unto him is unfair.
Based on the video you were active and could see what was going on, but chose not the leave the safety of the chair.
Unless you can prove you were AFK in some way, I see no reason for this ban to be lifted.

Captain Barry
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
Posting on behalf of Aspire:
Hello Everyone Involved, Thanks for the response Barry. If I was not under Fear Rp there is no rule stating I have to get out of the chair, this is the same as the situation when in a raid if your props are not burning to a molotov you do not need to remove them unless an admin tells you to. Barry had the remover tool out but chose not to remove the chair, he allowed me to stay in the chair. Few things I would like to point out. Willem 100% gave me a tip to use that chair, I am not blaming him but if he knowingly allowed me to use this chair and if the chair is not a banned prop then I can use it. I did not realise it was bullet proof before hand. I was not under fear rp so I had no reason to get out the chair, forcing me to get out the chair is unfair, especially when barry felt I didn't have to, he had the remover tool ready but deemed the situation fine. I think the situation may of been a little confusing for you as you initially thought I broke Fear Rp before, fair enough mistakes happen, I have been banned for 3 days unfairly now

Hello Everyone Involved,

I am finally unbanned from the forums so I will be responding for myself from now on.

I would like to again draw attention to the fact that Barry had his remover tool out and decided after a few seconds not to remove the prop, he agrees that he made a mistake and I did not break fear rp so that will be removed.

14 Days for fear rp and sitting in a chair is the original ban.

I have now served 4 days for allegedly abusing a prop (chair).

Willem suggested to me to use this chair so I would be better hidden, I was wearing a security outfit.

Now you won't believe I was afk, nor will you give me the benefit of the doubt that my moused moved as it was on my bed.

So I will leave that argument for a moment.

What I find really unfair is that during a raid situation if your props don't burn an admin removes them, but in this situation when I wasn't dying, barry didn't remove it. I have spoken to multiple people now, apparently I can die in the chair if my feet/ legs are shot. So this is no abuse at all.

Barry gave a player the benefit of the doubt in regards to a pr yesterday, yet in this situation he doesn't give me the benefit of the doubt? In the sit I asked you how long the guy had been shooting me, does this sound like someone who even saw the bloke shoot me?
I have been nothing but honest and I feel that as Barry doesn't know me like he knows Jackz (The Example) I am not getting the benefit of the doubt.

If I was there why did I not tell you in the sit I was not under fear rp?

I let myself get banned?

If I saw the situation it would of been obvious I was not under fear rp.

What I am suggesting is a deal so both sides are happy.

I get an expired blacklist for the prop abuse and the entire ban is removed.

This is my offer to you, this entire situation is seriously messed up, a few mistakes were made.

I hope the team can be fair with me like they have been fair with other users.

To give one example: Jackz in the past 2 days has been let off and given the benefit of the doubt by 2 different admins.

I feel it is only fair I am given the benefit of the doubt.

Although Jackz is mentioned he is not involved in the situation just used as an example.

Thank you for reading, I have been banned for 4 days, please get to this soon.

- Aspire
I did not remove your chair to see how you would respond to the discovery if it being bulletproof and whether or not you would choose to leave the chair upon seeing it was bulletproof.
We aren't required to make your moral decisions for you, and shouldn't have to babysit a roleplay to ensure its participants follow the rules. It's up to you to do so, and when you fail to follow those rules that's where we come in.
In your case, after being attacked you elected to stay in the chair because you saw it protected you from Kawaii. An abuse of props/entities.

Punishments are a case by case basis. Using JackZ as an example is ill-founded because that was based on personality traits and personal experience with the individual. In your case, there is solid evidence of your rulebreak and a 'personal profile' isn't necessary in order to come to a conclusion on the matter.

In terms of a 'deal', a complete removal of a ban when there is obvious abuse present is unfair. I think the only bans that should be allowed to have 'dealings' are bans when the user will be restricted from accessing the server for a considerable amount of time, such as 1 month bans and longer. Changes to your ban should only be made when solid evidence of innocence is present or a mistake by the banning staffmember, such as the FearRP reasoning in your ban which I have conceded as a personal mistake.
That is my personal opinion on 'dealings' and that will be my approach to it. Should the administrator who eventually concludes this UBR believe otherwise, that is up to them.

Captain Barry
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
Hello Everyone Involved,

Barry You fail to reply to my points that in the sit I asked how long I was shot for, you failed to give me the benefit of the doubt about my mouse moving, you can't give certain players the benefit of the doubt and not others, this is incredibly biased.

I gave a fair offer, I have been told by multiple people you die in that chair if your legs are shot. So why do I have to get out if I can die? He molotoved so the chair isn't some form of god mode.

Not my fault you chose not to delete the chair, you were watching and waiting to see if I broke rules? It is your job as an admin to help the community, not wait for them to slip up.

It is so obvious that you dislike me barry, I have been nothing but fair to you.
You made a huge mistake and banned me for Fear RP when I didn't even break it...

You refuse to acknowledge I was only in that chair as Willem literally gave me the tip to use it.

My offer to accept a Blacklist was more than fair as I am innocent.

To me this seems so unfair.

I am fed up of the staff team being unfair and corrupt, it is so obvious from what I said in the sit and how I didn't instantly fight the fear rp aspect of the ban that I was not there.

Barry has now refused to view Private Evidence to support how the mouse could of moved.
He wants something personal/private to be seen by all, I am deeply upset by his lack of care.
He has now blocked me, refusing the private evidence.

And this is an FL Admin, god help us all.
I have constantly given you logical explanations for your punishment, replied to your points with factual supported statements and listened to everything you have had to say up until this point.
I have decided to block you because of your complete disregard for my requests to stop messaging me privately and reply on the thread with your arguments. At which point did I say I would not see your 'evidence'?
Your evidence by the way, involves you posting a picture of your desk and saying 'My mouse moved on its own because of..'
You realise how easily you can just set something like that up so that it looks like you're telling the truth?
Your argument involves me believing you didn't do anything because you say so. Like I said before, if we're to take your word for this then every single other ban should be removed because someone can just say 'take my word for it'.

And now that you've seen you can't get past the evidence, you've resorted to distorting fact and attacking me personally.
And you wonder why people are taking the piss out of you?
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
(06-17-2018, 10:44 PM)Captain Barry Wrote: I have constantly given you logical explanations for your punishment, replied to your points with factual supported statements and listened to everything you have had to say up until this point.
I have decided to block you because of your complete disregard for my requests to stop messaging me privately and reply on the thread with your arguments. At which point did I say I would not see your 'evidence'?
Your evidence by the way, involves you posting a picture of your desk and saying 'My mouse moved on its own because of..'
You realise how easily you can just set something like that up so that it looks like you're telling the truth?
Your argument involves me believing you didn't do anything because you say so. Like I said before, if we're to take your word for this then every single other ban should be removed because someone can just say 'take my word for it'.

And now that you've seen you can't get past the evidence, you've resorted to distorting fact and attacking me personally.
And you wonder why people are taking the piss out of you?

^This is not something an FL Staff Member should be saying.

I didn't say everything I would be sending you in regards to the private evidence, so you are assuming, this is also something a staff member shouldn't do.

I was patient and explained the evidence was private and you refused to see it.

My arguments for unban are:

FEAR RP was not broken, you agree yourself this was one of your errors.

The chair I was advised to use by a staff member, if I am now told I could die in the chair and it was just the guy not aiming correctly then I am not to blame at all, no rule states I have to get out. You could of easily deleted the propb/chair but you didn't do your job and as a result I was banned for sitting in a chair.

Now you say I knowingly exploited the use of the chair to survive, well it is now proven that if he shot correctly I would of died in the chair, so why didn't you just remove the chair?

I didn't use anything maliciously.

I now feel as though barry is condoning members "taking the piss", I am requesting he is removed off this ubr as he made huge errors and as a result will be staff reported.

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