Report: Dafy
Name of player: [FL:RP] Dafy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62783069

Time in GMT: 20:43 - 20:45pm

Server: v5p

Summary: I had killed dafy in a gunfight after a hostage taking and after arresting his friend I impounded his vehicle, he then returned to the nexus less than a minute later to try and steal his car back.

Is there any footage of him of him getting killed? Unfortunately this doesn't provide any more information than the Dafy's video.
Quote:3. Evidence is a requirement, do not request log checks, include solid evidence for your report or do not post one. 
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
I Dont understand because in the sit you said quote; "i shot you because an armed man ran past when you tried to steal your car" So you lied straight to reebs face in that sit, Anyways this whole thing is over now.
Dafy why did you return to steal your car, especially considering you had died?
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
(08-21-2017, 10:53 AM)Dafy Wrote: I Dont understand because in the sit you said quote; "i shot you because an armed man ran past when you tried to steal your car" So you lied straight to reebs face in that sit, Anyways this whole thing is over now. this image clearly shows your friend had a gun.
(08-21-2017, 02:44 AM)TheSiphon Wrote: Is there any footage of him of him getting killed? Unfortunately this doesn't provide any more information than the Dafy's video.
Quote:3. Evidence is a requirement, do not request log checks, include solid evidence for your report or do not post one. 
DVN Told me to post the PR, I am aware the evidence is vague but does show the player returning to retrieve his car.
(08-21-2017, 07:58 PM)Forgee Wrote:
(08-21-2017, 10:53 AM)Dafy Wrote: I Dont understand because in the sit you said quote; "i shot you because an armed man ran past when you tried to steal your car" So you lied straight to reebs face in that sit, Anyways this whole thing is over now. this image clearly shows your friend had a gun.

(This reply is simply my honest perspective of what happened being someone involved and being the only witness that was focused on Forgee and Daffy.)

How does this picture prove that this person with the gun is Daffy's friend? It could have been a completely random person. And it was. Daffy and I were catching up and things when I decieded to go into the garage to see what all the shootings were about and Daffy so happened to see his car and attempt to drive away. It was then when you dicided to kill him with no valid reason (A valid reason to kill someone in a car for example is if he ran over a citizen or police officer. Which he did no such thing) Again he was not releated to the shootings so again, you didn't have a reason to shoot. So far this PR only proves that you RDMed and that Daffy didn't do what you calaimed he did.
Kind Regards,
[Image: 2tVFym3.png]
So tell me what reason you had to be in the garage?
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
(08-23-2017, 10:49 PM)AwestruckBullet Wrote: So tell me what reason you had to be in the garage?

I heard shots fire so I went down the slope for the garage door to open to see inside but then Daffy saw his car and jumped in and at the time I was confused because I didn't know if it was his (He just recently baught it) so I entered to see if it was his or if he was stealing one someone's car but then Forgee killed him and now we're here.
Kind Regards,
[Image: 2tVFym3.png]
(08-23-2017, 10:56 PM)Grapefruit Wrote:
(08-23-2017, 10:49 PM)AwestruckBullet Wrote: So tell me what reason you had to be in the garage?

I heard shots fire so I went down the slope for the garage door to open to see inside but then Daffy saw his car and jumped in and at the time I was confused because I didn't know if it was his (He just recently baught it) so I entered to see if it was his or if he was stealing one someone's car but then Forgee killed him and now we're here.


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