Estleback Corporation

I am pleased to announce that we are changing our application process here at the Estleback Corporation.

As a result of an internal change that took place a few months ago, a lot of the information that Applicants provide to us on their applications have become redundant, and do not affect the outcome of their employment with us.

As a result of this, we have reduced the amount of questions in our application to 15, all of which are short answer.

We have changed this with the aim to make the application process less tedious for everyone, and to ensure that the paramount factor which determines employment is your attitude that you display to us on the field. All questions in this new application are now concrete, and are essential to know when we were considering you for employment.

Below is a sample of the new template:

Spoiler :
Estleback Application

Steam Name:

Link to Steam Profile:

How many hours do you have on the Fearless servers?:

How many RP points do you have?:

How many bans do you have?:

How many blacklists do you have?:

Real Age:

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?:

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?:

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?:

IC Name:

Do you have access to proper suits?:

Do you have any non-Estleback references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):

What specialisation area are you most interested in?:

Have you read and understood the Terms of Membership?:

All those who have currently got an application up do not need to re-post their application. If you have been attending our EBC events regularly, your application will be concluded by next mid-week.

I would also like to remind everyone that the 'Stars In Your Eyes' event (Blind Dates) will be taking place at 7:55 GMT+1 tonight in the V4B1 MTL.

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 10 users Like Link's post:
  • Janzo 火, Archer, Ratatoskrr, MrFinnConlon, Dragnort_, Eclipze, chopchop1614, mintblackbeard, Envy, Exotic

Stars in Your Eyes

On the 28th July 2017, Estleback provided security for Honey Tree Studios, a media production centre located in the Industrial district of the city.

In studio A, 'Blind Dates' was being recorded in front of a live studio audience, which consisted of around 30 people at peak.

Hosted by Madeleine Lajoie, the show was going perfectly, until half-way through disaster struck. The mechanics of the moving walls malfunctioned, opening up onto a fire that had originated in the backstage area of the set.

Swiftly, Estleback Opeartives escorted the audience into the car park area of the studio. The fire spread, forcing the line to move towards the entrance of the facility. However, two large fires were blocking it off, so no blatant escape was in sight.

Recoiling back to the original position, Estleback Operatives found a way around the catastrophe, and led most people to safely around the burning building, and through a gap in the fire to safety.

A full investigation has been launched into the cause of the fire.


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Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation

A small, yet significant, milestone for the Corporation has been reached!

A couple of days ago after the 'Stars in Your Eyes' event, I attempted to update our main thread with the pictures from it. However, it refused to do so; I had hit the rare post character limit!

Because of this, the main EBC thread is now split into two, so we will likely never run out of space again.

It's also noteworthy that we have just had our 15th large event since our revival roughly half a year ago, which is staggering in comparison to the 21 we managed to put on in the entirety of our run from 2012-14. This shows things have truly changed for the better, and our new systems are working efficiently.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been part of this clan since 2012, especially Floodify, WoodChopper, Professional Instinct, Laurenz, MasterNoda, Reebs, NightHawkd, Hitman, ChopChop and MrFinnConlon, who at some point or another have had major parts in making the clan what it is today.

I look forward to the future, and cannot wait to share some of the things that we have been working on with you!

Community Member Since 2012
The following 12 users Like Link's post:
  • Dragnort_, Lewwings, Joe Joe, Reebs, Fry, Archer, chopchop1614, MrFinnConlon, Ratatoskrr, JazzlesMan, Eclipze, Exotic

An Unexpected Journey

On the 2nd August, Eslteback conducted another operation.

At the forefront of their itinerary, a meeting with the owner of Slyfox, 'Lucas Andrew', took place. Unfortunately, nothing came from this, and both parties left on good terms, with a deeper understanding of the work that the others strove to accomplish.

After this, Estleback Operatives headed to the nexus for a meeting with the President. A security contract was gained, and as he was being taken to a familiar location, an assassination attempt ensued. Estleback Operatives took the hostile down, and hastily hustled the President to safety.

Proceeding a prolonged session in the alternate location, the President was moved back to the nexus.

Regrouping in Grassy Fields, a small training session was about to take place, when I received a threatening phone text from an unknown man. 'I have your car'. The game was on, orders were given, and the sting was up. Walking to the 'location', I gracefully walked past the suspect. Signalling over to my Operatives hidden in the surrounding bushes, the suspect was tranquillised and apprehended, and my vehicle was saved.

It was revealed that, despite being of a completely different ethnicity, the man claimed to be the brother of 'Piers Colton', the recently deceased former President of the Estleback Conservative Party. This claim was later confirmed as a hoax.

Using the contacts I made within the previous government we protected, the man was warranted, and we took him in to the government forces back at the nexus.

While meeting the President in the Nexus lobby, another assassination attempt took place, catching everyone off guard. With a heavily injured Vice-President, and unharmed President, the attacking Paramedic was shot and killed after refusing to stand down.

I am glad to report that, since the incident occurred, the Vice-President has made a full recovery.

In other news, I am glad to introduce our new TFO Rivia (Dragnort). After a couple of weeks of observation, we have deemed him fit to join our ranks. Other applicants will hear about their employment soon.

Finally, both Operative Rayes (Siphon) and Operative Harper (Jazzles) have stood out to us recently, so we are pleased to announce them as the employees of the month for July!
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Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 7 users Like Link's post:
  • Altoria, Exotic, Reebs, chopchop1614, Ratatoskrr, Eclipze, Rumbleâ„¢

The Infiltration Game

Today, Estleback Operatives infiltrated a known hot spot of the organisation 'Fulcrum'.

After surveying their HQ from a mountain top, tactical diving saw them enter the adjacent lake and swim across the water to the HQ. Met by heavy gunfire from a Fulcrum guard group, Operatives flanked them, killing them and gaining access to the HQ. Little did they know that the guards had called for reinforcements.

After walking inside, they found the interior deserted; empty laboratories, cafeterias and anterooms lay silent, a diorama of an aftermath of what once was.

Within one of the laboratories they found 'bodies', crisp to the touch, alongside medical equipment and analysis computer servers. Logging onto the central mainframe with a stolen password, operatives transferred medical files from the Fulcrum Computers into the EBC cloud.

Leaving the building in one piece after the building's security systems tried to take them down, the Operatives were met by the Fulcrum reinforcements, who had established a strong position on the bridge, blocking the route to their escape vehicle.

Unfortunately, all Operatives were killed by this ambush. Their relatives have been notified.

But several questions are raised by this encounter: why was the HQ deserted, and why were there Fulcrum agents guarding it? Why was there data still on the mainframe?

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Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 8 users Like Link's post:
  • Ratatoskrr, MasterNoda, chopchop1614, Eclipze, TheSiphon, Reebs, Rumbleâ„¢, Dragnort_

I am happy to announce that Mia Finch (Malibu) has been accepted as our latest Trial Field Operative! We have been watching her closely during our operations over the past few weeks, and she has showed exceptional promise.

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 6 users Like Link's post:
  • Reebs, Eclipze, TheSiphon, Ivan Tempski, Ratatoskrr, Dragnort_

Standard Workings

Tonight, Estleback Conducted a standard Presidential Protection gig.

Although being absent for a vast majority of it, I was incredibly pleased with the communication and standards of operation that I observed towards the end of the contract. I would like to extend my gratitude to Jack Mondays (Reebs) for organising this.

In other news, I am here to announce that Estleback will be having a brief break from now until the week commencing the 21st August. Most of our Operatives have booked vacation in this period, so larger contracts will be postponed until our available numbers grow.

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Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 6 users Like Link's post:
  • Eclipze, chopchop1614, Reebs, MasterNoda, Altoria, Dragnort_

Estleback has returned from our brief break from larger operations. It would be spiffing if all Operatives could check the communication HUBs later today for information about our next operation.

In addition, I am pleased to announce multiple property deals in v5p have gone though, meaning Estleback has once again broadened its reach in EvoCity.

The first building I wish to unveil is our new recruitment center. I would like to especially thank my colleagues Jack Mondays (Reebs) and Finn Conlon (Finn Conlon) for their marvellous contributions towards this project.


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Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation

Full Metal Warehouse

I am pleased to announce Estleback, once again, have made a positive impact on EvoCity.

Working in conjunction with Evocity's Police Serge, John Ashdown, Estleback were tasked with detaining a warehouse full of illegal weaponry, which was pinpointed by a Police informant.

After briefing, Estleback Opeartives made there way to and breached the facility, which was found abandoned and weapons free; they had been tipped off. After searching the bottom floor to no avail, an old laptop was sighted on one of the ledges. Operative Betwin successfully manoeuvred his way through a precarious path to get to the machine, which was found to belong to a Mr 'Juan Whoeasy', later discovered to be a former Mexican citizen who moved to EvoCity in 2009.

After a background search on the lead, it was found he was registered to two addresses, one in the Slums Apartments, and one in Industrial.

Estleback split into two teams and searched each address simultaneously. The Industrial estate contained a receipt from Big Bills Hells for a rental car from the 29th August 2017, a day before the Operation. The Slums Apartments contained a secret passageway behind a bookshelf, which opened up to reveal a large stash of money. Even though perhaps not the leader of the illegal weapons operation, this confirmed his stance as a major player.

Estleback regrouped and headed to downtown motors, enquiring to the lovely receptionist on the vehicle details which matched the receipt. Purchased under an alias of Alonzo Rodriguez, Estleback Opeartives were able to confirm the identity of the purchaser via CCTV footage as the suspect. Once the suspect confirmation, model number and number plate were received, I handed them over to my Police contact for filtering through the ANPR system.

Before anything was picked up by the cameras, the suspect vehicle was sighted driving past us, became spooked, and made for it.

After a chase, the suspect was apprehended and arrested on suspicion of aiding illegal operations and possession with supply to intent of illegal firearms.

Stay tuned soon for a large announcement.


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Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation

In light of tonight's Estleback activity, I have a couple of staff announcements to make.

Firstly, I would like to welcome Julian Norwood (Mintblackbeard) to the Corporation. After an extensive review of his character over our application period, we have deemed him fit for duty with us. Welcome.

In addition, I am extremely pleased to announce that Matthew Harper (Jazzles) has been promoted to Senior Field Operative. He has served with us, albeit with a pause in the middle, since the start of this revival, and his dedication to the cause has seen him through to higher authority. Welcome to the team partner.

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 11 users Like Link's post:
  • Hitman, Ivan Tempski, Joe Joe, DVN, Janzo 火, Reebs, Exotic, ELAD, chopchop1614, mintblackbeard, TheSiphon

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