Well I'm danvers8642, my name is liam and you may or may not of known me as trouserlessliam previously. I used to frequent fearless a fair amount about 2-4 years ago, can't remember exactly, but stopped playing because of work and I'm a dirty console gamer at heart  Cheese
I lost my old account along with my 1000 hours of gameplay and 6 or so RP oints but shit happens and here I am starting from scratch again, I look forward to RPing with you all and re-making some new friends, see you in-game. Smile
Welcome man! Hope you stick around!

[Image: andrew-tate-top-g.gif]
I'm sure you can get it all transferred over to this account to help you out, welcome back.
I like that old name.

Welcome back again, hope you enjoy your stay.
[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.
NOT AN Administrator
Welcome back!
Hello there.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Hello there and welcome!
Welcome back.
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
Ayy welcome man!

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