[EVENT] Dead Mens Tales

This event is being organized by Jonas
Date of the Event: 10th of June. 2017, at 7pm BST.
The event will be hosted on event server, V4B1, with a custom build.

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You find a diary laying on the ground, wondering how this all started, and you begin to read...

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Spoiler: If you are not able to read the text, here it is without the font.
February 2016.
Diseases are striking everywhere throughout our world, very concerning if you ask me. There are loads of news reports which says that scientists are working on a new alternative for these diseases...

October 2016.
News has furthermore spread about the continuing process of the new alternative, we've gotten more and more information, it's like a weird inhumane project... something about turning corpses into functional humans again, it is a contradiction to mother nature...

January 2017.
It has officially been announced on the news that the scientists have finally reached a final conclusion on this abnormal research into the awakening of the dead and it is announced that a dead person worked fully function as a living being, they say that it has some incurable symptoms, which nobody is allowed to know. This has come as great, but worrying news to me and the rest of the world. I see that the awakening of the dead will help with medical research and testing, instead of abusing animals. However, this comes with great concern as the implications of this research might fail and take a wrong turn down the lane will create a very, very, rocky road for us all.

August 2020.
Scientist all over the world has for multiple years attempting to find a cure for all these diseases, but with small improvements, they started an abnormal project. A project that seems so... inhuman. Their trying to make an attempt to wake the dead to live, in a zombie-like state. They had quite a few unsuccessful attempts, making their heart fail, and dissolving the corpses. At one point they reached the target, causing a dead corpse to get up and walk in a zombie-like state. This was all being broadcasted on the news as a revolutionary research for mankind. It did not turn out like that. They tried transporting the "alternative cure" to another facility in Siberia, on the flight there the plane crashed down before arrival right into the most unexpected place... Evocity, directly into the streets, causing the virus to wake up the dead. And with this "alternative cure" comes the symptoms... cannibalism and aggravation, causing them to eat each other and normal human beings. They broke through the city's checkpoint, causing it to spread throughout everywhere, it is horrible, and a sight no human on earth should ever witness.

November 2023.
Three years after the outbreak, loads of human beings has lost their life to these... creatures, the humans have found their inner instincts, and gathered up in groups, making homes, helping each other and the sick, the walking corpses have expanded throughout the whole world, we're all going to be doomed, the world seems to look so dead, like the popular series the Walking Dead, and it surely seems like an unreal reality, and it's hard to just consider all this.

May 2025.
We've been living at the outskirts of the city, in an army camp, in a little town. Everything has an end of course, the dead had invaded the camp and killed almost all of us, the last of us decided to return back into the city seeking for the remaining survivors, and luckily we found another army camp much like ours at the local Downtown motors, we had to go throughout a long process of checks and defences, which is understandable,  we've lived in tents, and I tend to get scared from all the sounds that I hear outside the big fence. Hopefully it's enough to keep the creatures out.

July 2027.
I've not said too much about my wife and I. Caren and I got split during the outbreak, and I've not seen her since, I have not worried too much about it, but for the past few weeks I've hardly gotten any sleep, I hear sounds all the time, and I continue to think about Caren. I just don't hope she's turned. Anyways, the camp has surely gotten organized, we've found our Leader... Louis. He's a strict guy, but he's the best out of all of us remaining, he keeps us all together. I've stayed in the camp for so many years now, never gotten the chance to go out and scavenge. It's hard not to be able to see how the world has turned, but I guess it's better for the whole of the camp that we just do as he said. Especially with those crazy survivors and creatures trying to break down our camp

June 2028
I've had quite some trouble lately, and sleepless nights. We had a lethal rival with the survivors outside, we lost Jack, the deputy. Velasquez was decided to take Jack's position. Which I am happy for, but sadly we lost good old Jack. My closest friend within the camp. it's been hard to accomplish this much, and live this long, life just is not life anymore, it's a dead world... with dead people living in it, looking back at all the memories hurts. We've had so much in the past, so many well developed things... and now the world is just... gone, we're living a weird life in fear and deceit... How will we continue this life, I mean, nature starts to bloom everywhere... but it's still not right, it's like... a world full of nothing... no hope..

Sheriff 1/1
The Sheriff is the leader of the camp, and makes sure everything is working how it should be, ordering commands to the remaining survivors and the military personall, he keeps track of everything and asures everyones safety, he is the one whom chooses who will go scavenging.

General Rickets

Deputy Sheriffs 2/2
The Deputy Sheriffs is the Sheriff's right hand, helping him with important decisions and helps out managing the big camp, they asure that everyones safety is a number one priority.

[FL:RP] Panda
[FL] Jonas

Council 3/3

The Coucil is like any other survivor, but these people were chose by the people. They are in charge to asure that no corruption goes around in the camp, and they have the power to vote a member of the camp out, they can vote for executions and will be living in the camp, protected at all costs.

[FL:RP] chopchop1614
[FL] Generation
[FL] NJperry

Military Personall 8/8
The Military Personall are remaining survivors whom helped the camp be what it is today, a safe place to be. They are in charge of making sure nobody comes in without authority from the Sheriff, and they make sure that the camp is at high security standards, so that the remaining survivors can live a peacefull life. The military personall sometimes gets the duty of bringing a few survivors out to scavenge.

[FL] Coffee
[FL:RP] Arny
[FL:RP] Broccoli
GI Yonno

[FL:RP] Rebelz

Bandits 8/8
The Crazy bandits are lone wolfes and they seem to scavenge everywere possible, seeking for food and survival. These humen are dangerous to the camp, attempting to do anything to gather food.. even survivors to eat... these "animals" are crazy.


[FL:RP] Joe Joe
[FL] Random
[FL:RP] Dauntless
[FL:RP] The Godfather

Survivors 3/*
Survivors are the remaning people of the world, they scavenge the live in the main camp at Downtown Motors, and will try to survive together with the rest of the camp.

Xavier Frost

Doctors 1/1
The Camp Doctor asures that the surviors has a healthy life, helping them out if they get diseased, the doctor crafts up artificial drugs to help out the sick from their diseases.


Camp Chaplain 1/1
The Camp Chaplain is the person who, in these dark times, bring light to peoples hearts. He is the person who kept us alive for so long, with a great importance, he has kept them strong, religion is his main thing.


Scavenger 3/3
The Scavengers are Survivors who is lonely, they scavenge the wildlands for food, vehicles & items to use. They are living a dangerous life, never knowing what will happen in the wild.

The Best Goat
[FL:RP] Razor

  • Roleplay properly and according to your role.
  • This is a serious event, any mingery is at no toloration and you will be kicked with no chance of return.
  • Some server rules apply, I will alter the rules that are needed to be altered.
  • You're not allowed to use weapons from your own inventory, food is allowed to be used from inventory.

[Image: JQNRNYm.png]
Please make sure you fit these prerequisites before posting your application. Thank you.

1. Knowledge of basic Roleplay Elements.
2. Being able to type/speak well in English.
3. Being able to write a well-developed application.
4. Being serious and mature.
5. Following the rules of the event.
6. Have previous experience in roleplaying (On the servers or elsewere)

[Image: EtBB5fL.png]

[b]Steam Name:[/b]

[b]Hours on the Server:[/b]

[b]Roleplay Points:[/b]

[b]Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.):[/b]

[b]What Job do you wish to be?[/b]

[b]Why should you be this job?[/b]

[b]IC Name:[/b]

[b]Background story:[/b]

[b]Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above?[/b]

Mustang - Helping with the build & the thread.

Broccoli - Helping with the build.

GI Yonno - Helping with the build.

LordofMemory - Helping with the build.

MrFinnConlon - Helping with the build.

Coffee - Helping with the build.

Joe Joe Binks - Helping with the build & the thread.

General Weed - Helping with the build.

Random - Helping with the build.

General Rickets - Helping with the build & The Thread.

Spear - Helping with the build.

Jonas - Writing the thread, building & graphics.

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The following 5 users Like Jonas's post:
  • Panda, Iraqi Eagle, General Rickets, Luna, Charles
Steam Name: Tomo

Hours on the Server: 2270

Roleplay Points: 36

Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.): 11

What Job do you wish to be? Camp Doctor

Why should you be this job? I like the sound of it.

IC Name: Ethan Hunt

Background story: Ethan Hunt was born into a poor, working class family and wanted nothing more than to get out of his family's life style. Upon reaching education he would constantly have his head in his text books, reading and taking in as much knowledge as he could remember so that he could pass his exams and get himself a better life. In school Ethan didn't truly know what he wanted to do in life, his only focus in life was money. Upon researching some careers he contemplated becoming a Doctor, as they earn an impressive amount of cash and so that peaked Ethan's interest. After completing secondary school he was at the top of his class and was granted a scholarship at Harvard university and later went on to get a career in his desired profession.

Ethan never truly had the desire to save lives, it was more for selfish reasons and he wouldn't think twice about what his job truly was, taking each patient as a paycheck more than an actual, living, breathing human being. When the plague first hit in 2016 he was a very wealthy man, living in a posh estate with a large family, however his world turned upside down as when he woke, he found his family walking around his house lifeless... 'dead'. With his expert knowledge in medicine he came up with the crazy idea of chaining his family members inside his house like prisoners and had the sole ambition to find the cure for this terrible, terrible disease. After creating a terrible combination of prescription drugs it acted as an overdose and killed his family members, but this never made Ethan give up, to this day he still creates strange combinations of medicine to attempt to cure this disease, however after testing them on himself quite a few times it has driven Ethan quite mad.


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Name: Ethan Matthew Hunt
Age: 47
Description: Average height | Empty, wrinkled face | Grey hair | Aged badly due to medical experiments on himself 
Family: Wife - Maria Hunt (deceased) | Daughter - Poppy Hunt (deceased) | Son - Andrew Hunt (deceased)


Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above? Si senor
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
Steam Name:
[FL:RP] Arny

Hours on the Server:

Roleplay Points:

Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.):

What Job do you wish to be?
Military Personall

Why should you be this job?
It sounds cool and I like to be in events.

IC Name: Arny 'Enrica' McGregor

Background story:
Arny was a Ex military marine in 1999, but wishes to join back.

Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above?
Steam Name: Chopchop1614

Hours on the Server: 350+

Roleplay Points: 1

Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.): 8

What Job do you wish to be? Council Member

Why should you be this job? I feel the roleplay has a lot of possibilities and I prefer to take a roleplay position with a bit more responsibility.

IC Name: Charles Kennedy.

Background story: Was born in 1982 into a middle class family. They worked hard at school and had a pretty normal life up until the tests and the outbreak. He wasn't married before the tests but that is the only thing he is happy revealing. He doesn't like to talk about other aspects of his childhood to members of the camp and some find this odd. He has a lot of understanding of how things work and has a knack for psychology. He has been noted by the previous Sherriff for understanding what the people were upset about and where tweaks need to be made. He was elected into his position as council member and is eager to serve in the interest of the people.

Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above? I have.
Steam Name: [FL] Divey

Hours on the Server: 1700+

Roleplay Points: 22

Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.): 10

What Job do you wish to be? Camp Chaplain

Why should you be this job? I enjoy playing religious characters and I also thoroughly enjoyed my time role playing the priest-type character in the Fallout event.

IC Name: Father Pete

Background story: When the plague first hit the country, Father Pete was working as a priest as his local chapel and he dedicated his life to the church, he had no wife and no offspring, it was just him and his devotion to our lord and saviour. Before becoming a priest he was a typical teenager, causing havoc and committing anti-social behaviour in his community, however after getting into a motorcycle accident and being an inch away from death he reflected on his life and realised that he needed a change, God had given him this opportunity and so he wanted to show his eternal gratification by dedicating his life to him.

The year was 2016, he was at an old age of 80 years and decided it was best to retire from his humble career and live out his life in retirement, however when the plague hit he realised that his job was not over... There were so many sinners in the world and they made this mess happen, the bad majority ruined the world for the good few and he decided to make it his mission to spread the word of God and redeem all those who had sinned. With a stick to help him walk, he can barely stand on his own two feet and lives each day as his last, at the age of 92 years he's unsure of what will hit him first, old age or the dead...

Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above? Yes
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The following 2 users Like Divey's post:
  • Tomo, Jonas
(05-16-2017, 03:03 PM)Tomo Wrote: -Snip-

(05-16-2017, 03:13 PM)Arny Wrote: -Snip-

(05-16-2017, 03:14 PM)chopchop1614 Wrote: -Snip-

(05-16-2017, 03:22 PM)Divey Wrote: -Snip-

[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
Steam Name: MrFinnConlon

Hours on the Server: 1800

Roleplay Points: 7

Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.): 10

What Job do you wish to be? Military Personal

Why should you be this job? It is a role I think I am suited to, I also helped make the camp and the area around the camp and would like to use that part of the build.

IC Name: Finn.W.Conlon

Background story: Finn was a Police officer for the ECToungeD but lost his job after budget cuts due to a new dictator stealing funs. Finn wanted to his next job to be on that used a similar set of his skills. Finn enrolled in a small but deadly military group, conquering foreign territory in the name of Evo City and while the good old days faded he keep up his skill while the political elites fought the same war but in the EU with words rather than on the battlefront and with bullets. There is a new threat rising and Finn's skills would be of great asset to help achieve this goal.

Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above? Yes yes.
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
Steam Name: [FL:RP] Rebelz

Hours on the Server: 800+

Roleplay Points: 2

Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.): 7.5

What Job do you wish to be? Millitary Personall

Why should you be this job? The role seems to be an important and key role to this event so I'd love to be able to have the part as a Military Personall.

IC Name: Eugene 'Armor Abs' Krabs.

Background story: Eugene had been working in the Military for around 5 years before the outbreak, working his ways through the ranks Eugene set out to be an excellent role-model for starting recruits. Now at the age of 36 all Eugene has left in this dead world was the camp he protects so day in and day out Eugene works to his full capability to protect those he loves within the camp and keeping a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above? Yes.
Kind Regards,
[Image: qyVlGhw.png]
On behalf of Azza.

Steam Name: Azza

Hours on the Server: 150+

Roleplay Points: 0

Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.): 5

What Job do you wish to be? Millitary Personall.

Why should you be this job? Government role play is one of my favourite roleplays to do, having the sende of leadership within roleplays is something I take seriously

IC Name: Ronnie Barker

Background story: Ronnie was an average working class man, spending his time serving for his family and earning a living for himself, once the outbreak had started the Government were looking for in shape men and women to fight for them, thus Ronnie was swept away almost instantly to fight. Now Ronnie serves to protect the camp he survived the outbreak in spending sleepless nights guarding the camp and looking to aim for a safer and brighter future.

Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above? yes.
Kind Regards,
[Image: qyVlGhw.png]
The following 1 user Likes Rebdogg's post:
  • RonniBarker
Steam Name: JessicaCandyX

Hours on the Server: 500+

Roleplay Points: 2

Understanding of general Zombie roleplay (1-10.): 8

What Job do you wish to be? Military Personnel

Why should you be this job? Because I have had past experience of protecting Evo City from criminals and even mutants.

IC Name: Jessica "Candy" Parker

Background story: I was born in 1994. I used to work in the Military until the outbreak in England. They deported me to America, which is why I am here. Because I know that I can make a difference and save lives.

Have you read and understood everything in the post(s) above? Yes.

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